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Dev WNP78  4.2 years ago
Version 0.12 No Tags

Version 0.12: Made changes so that it will not interfere with updates of the multiplayer mod. However this does mean it will fail to load if multiplayer is not already loaded, so make sure to load multiplayer first.

A simple mod that gives quality of life improvements to the Multiplayer Mod, aimed at allowing you to have fun on a server unaffected by trolls. It's effects are client-side only - you can see them but nobody else can. You can control it by putting commands into the dev console, and it currently supports commands like:

  • BlockExplosions true/BlockExplosions false - when this is set to true, any explosive weapons fired by other users will not explode from your perspective (they will still explode for other users).
  • ListUsers - lists out connected users (including those connected to the server without a plane loaded), and their IDs.
  • PartCountLimit 600 - sets a part count limit (in this case 600, change to whatever you want). Planes above this limit won't be loaded in and a message will show. The default value is -1, which allows any part count.
  • BlockUser name - where the name is the name of a user, will hide this user's plane on your end.
  • UnblockUser name - unblocks a user.
  • BlockUserID id and UnblockUserID id are the same as block and unblock but use the user's ID (given by ListUsers), in case they have a weird name.
  • ListBlockedUsers - lists blocked users and their IDs.

Note: since HellFireKoder just released a similar update to MP, make sure you have the latest version for this to work.

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    Dev WNP78

    @Freerider2142 @Inuyasha8215 I think I may have fixed the issue. Try downloading v0.11 (should update automatically if you have it on steam).

    Pinned 4.2 years ago
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    68.3k PPLLAANNEE

    there should be a command called minimum part size that allows you to put in a number and any part under that number in size is not rendered. @WNP78 . this would allow you to still block excess parts while not blocking every player above a certain part count

    1.5 years ago
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    2.0 years ago
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    11.6k JesusChrist

    Great mod but there's one thing I don't get: Why doesn't blocking players prevent their messages from showing up on your screen? Is it a technical limitation?

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    94.1k winterro

    @asdqazmonkey69 PartCountLimit 600

    2.3 years ago
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    how do you type the part limit command
    i have enable i did it in multiplayer and it said command not found

    2.4 years ago
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    I think that this mod should, or the multiplayer mod, should have the option to disable collisions with other aircraft. I don't know if that is possible to be implemented, but I think it's necessary since there are some users that use indestructible aircraft to crash into others. Blocking works, but there are some who are so persistent as to keep changing their username.

    2.7 years ago
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    2,790 OrderlyHippo

    Very useful, simple suggestion:
    - A part limit for the sum of all planes currently in the game, making it so weak pc’s do not have to entirely exclude high part planes when there’s no one else playing.
    - This could be enabled by default as well in the base game warning you exactly when to many ai planes are around.

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    i get an error when trying to download it from steam

    3.5 years ago
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    105 qlqjdhj


    +1 3.6 years ago
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    monke create

    3.9 years ago
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    Can you make a way to disable the chat completely? I desperately need a way to disable the chat.

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    I have a suggestion, @WNP

    Simple Stealth? :)

    4.0 years ago
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    Simple Invincible ?:)

    4.0 years ago
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    @chickenisderp under the screenshot (this shield picture) there is "Downloads" and than u can choose "PC/Mac" or "Steam Workshop". this mod doesnt work for mobile version

    4.1 years ago
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    @chickenderp if mobile, your SOL. Pc or Mac, follow the instructions

    4.2 years ago
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    how do you Download a mod???????

    4.2 years ago
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    6,361 Aeromotive

    trolls: exist
    WNP78: bonk

    +4 4.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @ParziParziTheVal please don't comment on my post just for the sake of leaving a pointless trail of links through the site. It's a waste of space and time.

    +7 4.2 years ago
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    5,465 Grandma


    4.2 years ago
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    ...a mod that improves the hell outta SPMP?!

    'bout damn time.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    Can u make more plugin for iOS or mods please @WNP78

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    @WNP78 seems to working now :D
    No error when enabling the mod either.
    ran the game a few times, and the bug seems to be gone.

    4.2 years ago
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    @WNP78 Thanks, I'll give it a go

    4.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @Freerider2142 It shouldn't be related. But it seems that it is weirdly. I might try and restructure the mod to see if that changes things.

    +3 4.2 years ago
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