Breaking News!
Hamalia has been hit by a Category 4 hurricane, destroying much of the island's infrastructure and housing. There is a wide-spread famine and over 200 people have died. Both East Hamalia and West Hamalia have declared states of emergency.
The Saltwater Navy has sent the SWS Lioness, SWS Buzzard, SWS Hammerwood, SWS Typhoon, SWS Culver and SWS Murderous to the island, carrying aid supplies and Foreign Service Corps forces. They are also carrying Black Hawk helicopters for medical evacuation. The Saltwater Air Force has also set up an air bridge from NovrdLisch using Drifter-Cs, Spartans and AA-1 Xebecs.
In Other News
The Albacore-class submarine SWS Leopard has destroyed a force of obsolete Crokorean ships docked around Commandoria. Anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles were used in the attack.
I will try to airdrop some food and water before hand
You could. We already have aircraft suitable for the purpose, but the Hamalians don't.
That’s a better.
Oops! One too many zeros.
That’s a ludicrous amount of deaths. Did it just pop up out of nowhere and sweep everyone away?
Excellent! You can use NovrdLisch as a forward operating base.
SimpleLandia can send supplies.