@MA2211c slightly further past krakabola, like literally keep going forward past krakabola in the same direction you went to get there from the wright isles
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Idk if you have since solved this? If yes, great! If not, just for your info the kraken rises from the ocean when you get near, so 10 000ft-50 000ft would just see a small, innocent island (the top of the head), if you are lucky enough. This is a feature.
If I remember correctly, I believe this is the aircraft I used to discover all the locations:
A really awesome aircraft, with a full GPS system (I think) that can send you in the direction of any major location you want (including Waymar and Kraken).
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I wonder why they would do that though it wasn't a performance problem or anything. Same with mods on mobile they got rid of it for no reason
@AveragePilatusFan Oh that makes sense, I do remember a few things that probably served a problem:
I was flying anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 feet, due to my past experiences of discovering locations accidentally whilst flying at high speeds and altitudes
I left the SMA-17 unmodified for increased speed, meaning that it was completely unarmed.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I'm unsure then maybe hang around certain areas or drop altitude so it will come up out of the ocean or use a plane with weapons
@AveragePilatusFan yes, though difficult I managed to maintain a 74-to-76-degree angle for the entire flight. I also made multiple attempts with different planes to ensure accuracy but regardless was met with defeat. Furthermore, I had an even less accurate angle whilst searching for the brown pearl, yet found it in about 5 minutes (My angle while searching for the kraken was 74-76, but my angle while looking for the Brown Peal was 240-250)
@MarkoGgsss Thanks!
@MrPigee here https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/1650924/Maywar-for-android-Newedition
@MrPigee You can download it on android ;)
@oldmate52 Maywar is PC only, no mobile devices allowed there, unfortunately :(.
@MA2211c slightly further past krakabola, like literally keep going forward past krakabola in the same direction you went to get there from the wright isles
What about the WW2 ships with uss tiny 2
@windshifter1 Nice
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Idk if you have since solved this? If yes, great! If not, just for your info the kraken rises from the ocean when you get near, so 10 000ft-50 000ft would just see a small, innocent island (the top of the head), if you are lucky enough. This is a feature.
If I remember correctly, I believe this is the aircraft I used to discover all the locations:
A really awesome aircraft, with a full GPS system (I think) that can send you in the direction of any major location you want (including Waymar and Kraken).
@screechy aright thanks
The only available islnds are SPC, Wright Isles ,Krakabloa and Snowstone
well, that was years ago
@oldmate52 you can't
they removed it because of immense lag it caused on phones
Does any one kwon if you can find maywar on an iPad?
I can’t find the islands.😒
@AveragePilatusFan, your incorrect, Google was why the mods on mobile were removed
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I wonder why they would do that though it wasn't a performance problem or anything. Same with mods on mobile they got rid of it for no reason
@AveragePilatusFan would make sense as well, I've heard a lot of people say that.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover odd I also flew that way and didn't find anything maybe they removed it in an update
@AveragePilatusFan Tried the suggestions but nothing happened...
@TheUltimatePlaneLover alright let me know if it fixes anything (it looks like an island when you first see it)
@AveragePilatusFan Oh that makes sense, I do remember a few things that probably served a problem:
I was flying anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 feet, due to my past experiences of discovering locations accidentally whilst flying at high speeds and altitudes
I left the SMA-17 unmodified for increased speed, meaning that it was completely unarmed.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I'm unsure then maybe hang around certain areas or drop altitude so it will come up out of the ocean or use a plane with weapons
@AveragePilatusFan yes, though difficult I managed to maintain a 74-to-76-degree angle for the entire flight. I also made multiple attempts with different planes to ensure accuracy but regardless was met with defeat. Furthermore, I had an even less accurate angle whilst searching for the brown pearl, yet found it in about 5 minutes (My angle while searching for the kraken was 74-76, but my angle while looking for the Brown Peal was 240-250)
@TheUltimatePlaneLover did you fly in the right direction?