6,913 MA2211CwCABaerospace
Player Biography
Species: HUMAN From U.S. of A. Type of creator: Mostly fictional planes and maybe some LOOREEE. :) Type of user: Apple iPad, yes it is a pain to make some planes with full cabins, and detailed cotpits. Yes the lord blesses me 😭🙏. Also thanks for Gold yay 😀. (Joke) Were I live: 11.1182.11……… uhhhhhh never mind. Favorite game and plane: game is Geometry dash by slightly more than simple planes. Favorite plane in military is F-16 and favorite civilian plane is A320. Heritage: Mixed race and heritage mostly from Europe, Africa, and Native American. (My fingers hurt) oh did I say something sorry. Normal greetings: I’m Ma2211c you can just call me Mac2211 or just Mac(I’m not going to be uploading often because I’m in school) anyways some of my best planes are; CAB 750 (wright north) Cab z2 , CAB vulture (aka simple planes plane realistic) it also was the beginning of me making Vr compatible planes! CAB FI17 5kpoits!!