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Can we talk about this regarding RP posts?

6,368 KDS  5.3 years ago

This is just something I’ve noticed regarding the SPMRP. Do you guys happen to have a discord? If so, I have counted 9 posts about SPMRP over the first and second pages of the forums. Usually whenever I check on the forums, there is a seeming abundance of posts regarding that RP crowded with with everything else. I understand the popularity of the RP currently and to a good extent, these forums are an important part of that as well. I’ve run a good amount of these RP’s before throughout the years or have been at least involved in moderation of them, the most recent being the former SLRP. (Disregarding somes feelings of how that ended, I still played a major part in running it over it’s last handful of months.) So I’m not coming from a place of ignorance when I say this.

It seems the vast majority of everything is handled for SPMRP on the forums, which is very cluttery for normal forums. Hell, when we were doing SLRP as a major thing, one of the reasons we moved away from forums into a dedicated discord server was for convienence, efficiency and frankly to reduce the spam of the RP, given we were concerned about moderators stepping in and telling us to do that anyway. The worst part of it is, we didn’t even come close to touching the amount of posts consistently being pumped out by SPMRP for a RP about as popular at the time a few months back. We probably hit about 9 forum posts in a 24 hour cycle which is what prompted us to move away from the site onto a discord server of our own. That number of posts is consistently hit every roughly 24 hour cycle with SPMRP, like SLRP didn’t even touch the anount of posts probsbly currently floating around for it’s “successor” right now.

How about the moderators? How do they feel about the amount of RP posts going around? I’ll bet you all 5 non existent candy bars and a jar of harvested knees it’s this.

(For context of that image. I was attempting to reach out a few weeks ago to Eternal regarding a RP post being deleted and re-uploaded for reasons I won’t get into, as it’s not that important. Given the amount of people calling out the for now unnamed OP in his comments for it and given that forum post reports don’t go very far; I decided to reach out to a mod along with someone else to a different mod. This was the response I got for that, which wasn’t really relevant to what I was trying to initially say. I am not going to pretend that Eternal speaks for all of the mod team, but considering we got flat out ghosted by the other mod, Seeras I think, who MrVaultTech reached out to over the spam post also through discord after our reports of the post went unnoticed. Which still isn’t relevant too much to this so much as the only response or notice we got from all that from them.)

Ignoring the fact he didn’t really feel like doing his job, it seems clear that the mods don’t seem interested in stepping in and enforcing this clutter of consistently spammy types of forum post on their own. Which leads me to my conclusion in all this, a request for the SPMRP group who have consistently been cluttering up the forums:

Please, for the love of god, move the majority of your process into discord or somewhere else of your prefrence. Use the forums for equipment lists, longer stories, country bios, things alike to that, that would require a long consistent post over something you can just make a quick comment on. Please move things such as operations, troop movements, small annoucements and the like, elsewhere. I assure you, nobody is going to forget you exist if you can self-moderate the amount of content you post. It will make myself and I feel more others more appreciative of you and your group if we can see something unrelated to SPMRP what feels like every other post sometimes.

I’m frankly just tired of seeing so many RP posts in general, much less about this one specific one. Espeically when you consider the amount of personal drama that potentially can happen from them when people begin to take things too seriously and begin to get overly invested. It’s why I encourage all RP groups in general to just keep the majority of their workings elsewhere, not just SPMRP. It’s more efficient, less spammy of the SP forums, capable of slightly faster pace, and easier for everyone if you would just self moderate yourselves in your own discord server or somewhere. That’s all I have for now, I shall end it here to keep this from devolving into a rant. Take care of yourselves.

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    6,368 KDS

    You’re a bit late to the discussion. They already have a discord up thanks to @CaptainEssen
    Also if you read this, I was a SLRP mod, I know. I’m not saying it wasn’t soammy then. I was saying it was still spammy now just off the one alone. @HarryBen47

    5.3 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47

    I agree but bruh If you think this is a lot you didn't was active when we have SPMRP, SLRP and SPCRP in the forums lol you can only see post about rp at this time

    5.3 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    Currently I'm working on a Discord but there are a few complications with me not being able to finish it sooner, I do plan on rushing it out this week because of the increase in SPMRP posts that are going around. Hopefully it relieves the forums from the more unnecessary RP posts however I do plan on keeping my Rift posts on the SP website and any major RP content from myself or @MTakach. Also Typhoon can't get Discord. I also stated that I would release it in November to give everyone ample notice so they were ready.

    +2 5.3 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    I’ve been here well since the start of SP, ao with all due respect, drama has always been a thing here. You gotta break an egg or two in order to make an omlette. Really I find the way I worded this quite respectful compared to other ways of doing it, as I wanted to prompt the discussion of this over start a witch hunt or something. @Brields95

    5.3 years ago
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    Woa woah there pal. Slow your roll buddy we don't appreciate that kind of negativity here.

    With that being said I agree.

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Creating a server is easy
    Literally only need 30 minutes of dedicated work because of how easy Discord bots are to configure
    It's your fault if you decided on using like 50 different bots all doing a completely different job that results in broken perms @TheFantasticTyphoon @MTakach

    +2 5.3 years ago
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    5.3 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Perhaps if between the two of you working on it somehow can’t fit 30 free minutes into their day, then maybe the best course of action would be to find someone who can and is willing to quickly do it for you. Since it seems neither of you then are able to properly create or run the server given that the time cannot even be found to make it. @MTakach

    5.3 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    It’s a good thing that I was never asking for that. Perhaps I was misinterpreted. I was at that time talking about one specific post that looked to be messing with one specific rule that really didn’t have anything to do with that it was a rp post, more so it was being repost spammed. Which is again, currently irrelevant. It was just hard not to get that vibe when that was what I got under that. @EternalDarkness

    I believe RP’s have a place here in the forums and community. I also believe the majority of people don’t care about them and don’t need to see them what feels like every other post. They’re great, but not when they’re all I see over the frankly dumbest things that could be handled faster and easier elsewhere. That’s when people get annoyed by them and find it spammy. All this is, is a request and discussion prompt around that. Seeing nothing has happened about it for awhile now.

    5.3 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach


    With school. It takes longer than usual

    5.3 years ago
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    What I meant by that reply to your message is "I'm not willing to entirely remove RP from the site forcefully". It would cause a lot of drama and make situation worse. However, I do agree that there are too many RP posts these days, many of which are unnecessary and are cluttering the forums. While there is no rule against such posts, I too would like to see all RPs move to Discord or other chat apps.

    +5 5.3 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I agree with KDS here, I've made a mess of servers in afternoons, and the only reason 2020's isn't done is because I'm kinda procrastinating and caught up doing other random odd-and-end things around SP.
    Like, I built around 75% of the 2020 server in a single afternoon, it's just getting the rules and bots that took the longest solely because of procrastination.
    Not to mention I spent something like 30-40 hours just on the SLRP server, which itself lasted about 2 1/2 months. That's the time I spent fixing up the server whenever needing and building it over that time

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    40.5k Typhoon03

    Depends how much time you can put in per day.

    5.3 years ago
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    40.5k Typhoon03

    Read the previous comments, we have told you what we are doing.

    5.3 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    With all due respect. I have also made many servers in my day. It seriously does not take a few weeks to make one. A day or two at max to make sure wverything is there but that just seems like an excuse to put off doing that. No offense, but really it’s not that hard. After all, that is the point of discord. @MTakach @TheFantasticTyphoon

    +2 5.3 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95


    5.3 years ago
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    16.9k YourWife

    yes good god i dont care if they have a new death star that can destroy galaxies just move that to where i cant see it

    +3 5.3 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    Yeah Essen and I are currently working on q discord server, it will be ready in a few weeks

    5.3 years ago
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    40.5k Typhoon03


    5.3 years ago
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    40.5k Typhoon03

    The SPMRP discord server is "under construction" and will be active in about a month.

    5.3 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    implying they will listen in the first place
    also, there's a discord server that's fairly active, another one where they'll ban you for starting a war in any sort, and completely dead one lol

    5.3 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur


    5.3 years ago
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    28.1k Armyguy1534


    5.3 years ago
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    121k belugasub


    5.3 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21


    +1 5.3 years ago