Hello, im gonna give you the reason why cars on simpleplanes is hard to drift
Well, when i watched US Auto Industry in youtube the first video that they youtube "Recommend" me is about differential, in their video named "Around the corner" they explain about how if you turn in a corner the inner wheel have to turn at lower speed, if you were to spin a solid axle wheel on a dime one wheel always have to slide, and then they show a simple open diff mechanism, which allow one wheel to turn when one other wheel is stopped, and this is probably why cars in SimplePlanes is hard to drift, because it uses Open Diff, in drifting you want all two wheel to be powered and not just one right? This is why some madman decide to weld their diff together so that their car can be drift happy, and this is bad for simpleplanes and Can't be changed
"Or is it?"
SP cars wheels act like electric wheels rather than a diff. Both of them reach same RPM with a smooth electric motor like powerband and constant torque. You can get a proper sp rwd chassis to misbehave in seconds if you know how to.
Okay, but sp doesn't have the game mechanics that simulate a differential of any kind. The wheels are fully independent of each other. More like electric motors at each wheel than a drive shaft. And as guestor said, it's not even that, but a force where the wheel is moves the car, the force of rotational friction. Drifting is completely possible, you just gotta change the traction settings in the game to make a drift friendly setup. Ofc, there's always just good old under steer and power slide with no in between :D
Im just joined around this september because the dang verification doesn't allow me to verify my account for this dang three years
@CrashFighter05 Hello? I have been playing this game for three years sir, im already know if cars in simpleplanes is very easy to slide, but not in a controlled manner
You have obviously never played SImpleplanes before. Cars in this dang game is so easy to slide if you have a... even a horribly made car. A good car in this game is one that you can't drift in.
@Gestour as another new dev for 2020
@CruzerBlade ahem
You can drift planes tho
Crosswind intensifies
@BuiltBionixInd10 UwU
[Deja vu intensifies]
traction traction poopoo
Open diff car, only one wheel skids because the power of the engine goes to the side of least resistance. It doesn’t do anything to the way the tires work @TrislandianAlliance
@jamesPLANESii Yeah, which is exactly what happen with an open diff car
@Gestour ahh, now that is more interesting and probably why we can't drive cars in SP realistically
Wheels don't actually propel you in SP, it's just a force being added at the wheels location. An illusion.
Drifting is possible but isn’t realistic.
It’s also hard to drift because loosing traction in one axis doesn’t affect the other axis whatsoever. You could be power sliding af but your side traction feels like your wheels aren’t even skidding.
Which in turn you must make a custom wheel made out of fuselage and its bringing more problem too, the part count would be too high for me and its also hard to find the correct set of gears like 2.5:1 or 5:1
@ThePrototype But then you can't have normal wheel
@RailfanEthan Gud, i presume your wheel is on auto is it?
i'm going to be honest
i've drifted every single car i've made
except the rover I made a few months ago
You could actually build a functioning system using gears.
@vcharng well yes but actually no