107k Alisuchanka

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joined 7.8 years ago

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This account will now serve as an archive of my past builds in SP.
See you in Simple Planes 2!
Also remember, plagiarism is a crime and the offenders, even Internet Dwellers will be persecuted harshly as the law can allow.

Replicas I built:

Soviet Union/Russia:

United States of America:



Creations built for fun.

If I've some time to make things not for upvotes but for fun with the community(some of this was scrapped builds)
Here are the following:

KV-2-2-2 Stalin's Tower

BT-7 with KV-2 Turret

Tank chassis with handling of a ripsaw

Armored Vehicle with wooden anti RPG skirt

Russian Bias Machine(IL-2M)

Russian Bias Machine(I-16)

Our Red Cannoneer(Yak-9K)

Our Red Brawler(La-5FN)

Our Red Heavy Cannoneer

GTA San andreas Ryder's Car(PUBLIC)

GTA San Andreas Lowrider(PUBLIC)

Low Quality Motorcycle(PUBLIC)

Massive but mobile friendly Aircraft Carrier

Alisa in bunny suit armed with automatic pistol

See some of my creations and have fun!

Previously known as Kimcotupan15, Uchanka