Personally when I upvote a teaser, it doesn't mean I want to be tagged, but when you think about it, people (and tbh, me) are upvoting the teaser because they like the pictures or think the creation is cool... so shouldn't these people be tagged? I mean, if the think the creation is cool, shouldn't they be tagged so they can try the real thing out?
What are your thoughts on this?
Rip that’s 3 people per comment :p @Rub3n213
i do like 6 people who commented, then i feel guilty for doing so and just dont tag anyone else. I used to do everyone tho.
I tag people who say T and those who upvote
I think you’re overthinking it. Tag as many people as the character limit will allow sausages
Yeah I try to tag everyone, upvotes and T people.