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14 Looney  5.1 years ago

What are some things you guys look for in a creation? I've seen countless good looking creations, most of which are under-rated. Is it the amount of points you have that matters? The style of the build? I'd really like to know, this is quite confusing.

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    30.1k TriStar

    The quality. Example: My Eiro ASV Iowa got 6 upvotes. You know why? It was great. It had lots of details.

    5.1 years ago
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    If i think its cool, functions well, works on my phone and isnt a creation repost, i like it.

    5.1 years ago
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    Maybe points also matter because some people tend to trust a more higher point build than that of the lower point, but what Randomusername says is true with details, a lot of my plane (in my opinion) is actually okay, simple looking and perform very well with some minus at my poor stability of my plane

    5.1 years ago
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    3,391 PhoenixZeMan

    Usually people judges by how does the build look

    5.1 years ago