31.9k Mage2IsTriggered

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joined 6.1 years ago

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Player Biography  

Raven... The rest is up to you...

Alt account

Hey, welcome to my bio! I'm a random Brazilian guy that likes to build stuff. I "specialize" in ground vehicles and fighter aircraft.
I love The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, History (general and military) and i have a soft spot for WW2.
Most recently, i fell in love with Armored Core.
I'm currently in college for the next 4 years studying History to get a teaching degree!
If you wanna chat with me, i hang around in SPBC so meet me there!
Hope you enjoy my stuff!




F-4J Phantom II looking fighter jet (on indefinite hold)
Scratch-built remake of my old Formula Vee car




Reached Silver in May 20th, 2019

Reached Gold in January 17th/18th, 2020

Reached Platinum in July 8th, 2022, somehow




SiG or Sukhoi-Gurevich: Russian aircraft manufacturer. MiG and Sukhoi integrated as a single company.
Surth Aviation Company: Defunct British aircraft manufacturer that operated from 1919 to 1955. Was absorbed by Hawker
Mord: American car company. Specialized in road and race cars. Has Formula 1 team.
Giorgini: Italian car company. High end supercars and race cars. Has Formula 1 team.
Kiuzana: Japanese car company. Specialized in sports cars. Has Formula 1 team.
Bavaria Motor Company (BMC): German car company. Specialized in touring cars and endurance racing. Has Formula 1 team. Formarly known as Bavaria Motors
Amazon Motors: Brazilian car company. Country's only true sports cars manufacturer. Had World Sportscar Championship team. Bought by Bavaria Motors



Facts about me:

I own a youtube channel. Click here to subscribe!;

I do not like my country one bit;

My favourite plane is the F-15E Strike Eagle;

My favourite band is STARSET, and i really enjoy Rock and Metal, mainly what comes from Sabaton, but i do listen to some Powerwolf too;

I like weapons and firearms and i wish i could own one;

I'm a furry;

I'm bisexual (and i'm taken 😏).



Thank you for reading my bio!

Previously known as Mobius1Cyka