So, I know how they work, for the most part. But uh, what about the projectile lifetime property? Does it cause the shell to explode if it is explosive? If so then I've got ideas for timed-fuse flak cannons >:D
So, I know how they work, for the most part. But uh, what about the projectile lifetime property? Does it cause the shell to explode if it is explosive? If so then I've got ideas for timed-fuse flak cannons >:D
@1000AT E+38 means it is 3.4028234 to the 38th power, meaning there are 38 zeroes past the final 4 at the end, meaning it is a large number.
Looks like this: 3402823400000000000000000000000000000000000000
@Armyguy1534 Actually, its set somewhere above 3 seconds. its like "3.4028234E+38"
Noice @GeneralPatrick2
@Armyguy1534 Ye, that's the one i'm talking about. It's in seconds, since it's the same property as the one for the guns. Probably a large number since it's a cannon and so it can be long-range artillery, and there's no setting for it.
@Strikefighter04 if that's true then that is perfect. Gonna make some timed-fuse Flak 88 cannons using Flak 88s that other people have made >:D
now i just have to wait until proximity fuse
I thinkIt is set to a large number by default and I think it is in seconds
Yes they explode after a time I'm pretty sure