I made a airplane that went so high up I seen a satalite. It like had 2 triangles on its side too.
How I found it was U started at wright isle and went straight up.
New Easter egg found in simple planes
198 ANONYMOUSaccount
4.9 years ago
Now I know What it was thanks scratch
@ANONYMOUSaccount that was probably what I call "the glitch triangles", like when you go really high and really fast and the graphics bug-out
@BuiltBionixInd10 Oh ok. I will check it out once I see it again
@ANONYMOUSaccount I think that was one of your airplanes or the black pearl?
I was on a IOS when I announced this and I don’t know how to take a picture of my screen so I couldn’t take pics
Well I tried finding again but couldn’t and was recording. I have proof plus I’m on an iOS https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_YbhkIOjNpY
I will try to get a recording
Use my gamebreaker (not THE game breaker) to see what I think this lad saw @ everyone
What altitude? Pics or it never happened
gets 10,000 ads for "HoT aSiAn GiRlS iN yOuR area"
I passed a million feet multiple times and never saw anything. How high was this?
No one ain't gonna believe you unless you got it in picture
Wheres the evedancè?
@AndrewGarrison Is this real?
If you have pictures, then I will believe you.
@Jundroo is this real?
How high were you, and how HIGH were you?
i went up to 500,000ft straight up and saw nothing, u slackin bruh
i'm going to say no because of the lack of pics