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Just Some Screenshots

41.5k MrVaultech  5.0 years ago

Since I kinda did my vanishing thing for a bit after SLRP nonsense a month ago, I've been on-and-off working on a number of various creations -primarily tanks and armored combat vehicles- and really been putting some detail into them.

Mostly I've been building armor for Ostpreußen, of which I'll link pictures to below.
The P.007 series of APC has a new entry, which is just entirely rebuilt to have an interior so its armor and crew can be modeled. I plan on building off of it with existing turrets that'll replace the IFV and TD's I've built with earlier hulls.
Alongside it, I've either made brand new vehicles, or made massive improvements on existing vehicles. The Pancake saw a bit of an overhaul in terms of armor and I believe armament, and just various quality-of-life improvements in general.

P.032c-128m Pancake posed on Maywar.

P.032c-128m in designer.

Slightly outdated picture of the P.007e-8p APC in the designer.

A brand new vehicle (P.055a-105m) I initially wanted to be a modern version of a weird Hetzer I saw.

The P.059a-128, another brand-new hull I built to be a strange mix of an ARL-44 and Nashorn, and ultimately serves in this picture as a sorta emergency ambush tank destroyer.

A zoom on the fighting compartmemt of the P.059a-128m that shows the detail of the new 128mm gun, as well as crew placement in the open compartment.

Another frontal view of the P.059a-128m that details some of the fighting compartment armor.
Really, this vehicle isn't really meant to host a high crew survivability, as in if it were in a situation it was needed and being fielded, crew survivability was the least worry.

The P.020b-128m Hussar sat ahead of a Bauart 4 FlaK tower, mostly a beauty shot.

A propaganda-like shot of all the major Ostpreußen armored vehicles, though by now its slightly outdated.

A new wheeled TD that was intending to be a sorta-successor to the P.007 TD's and P.020 series of TD, and what basically has been referred to "Baby Žaneta".
Unfortunately, I've been running into a few issues with the turret, and the one shown has been scrapped. No alternative has been found quite yet.

A export-oriented fighter that I found fits a 50mm autocannon quite nicely into its nose. It does sport decent speed and good maneuvering at those speeds, while offering good carry capacity on its pylons.
This picture, I believe, is slightly outdated.

Ah, the P.043-6e Gigant, something I'm still tinkering with months after I started it. Its overall just a giant, and can carry two 14,000kg bombs internally with no real change in flight characteristics.

All of the vehicles shown in the screenshots I should have out decently soon, but knowing me it might take another 6-7 months of procrastinating before I even write any bios of them for uploads.

Eitherway, I hope this proves nice to look at, and maybe some incentive for me to actually upload them

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    41.5k MrVaultech

    It becomes grandpa's then you add a second reciever.

    5.0 years ago
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    When an AR-15 Reciever is on grandma's pancake recipe

    5.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Many thanks!

    5.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Super fun stuffs!

    5.0 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    procastination intensisfies, very cool pics and vehicles!

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech


    5.0 years ago