23.4k marcox43

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joined 9.1 years ago

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I like building almost everything that comes to my head, from airplanes to tanks and even some weird boats. I like participating in challenges and comunity things. I speak two languages, Spanish and English, and currently im learning German and Japanese. Feel free to use any of my creations to whatever purpose you want, dont forget to give credits ;).
Current projects:
5th gen stealth jet (paused)
Stealth UAV (halted)
90° V8, currently WIP(paused)
BMW 018 Jet engine WIP, having troubles with making it realistic...
MF 220 Drachen new version WIP, currently remodelling the cockpit, also adjusting the flight model.

Don't know if I'll have the skill to make it, but: Mercedes Benz 190E replica, with some mild tunning as a special edition of my own. kind of what I'd like to do irl when I have money for it.
as a plus, another Mercedes Benz, a 1986 W124 260E in sky blue. Basically what I drive everyday.

Update as of 2023: I'm not that active in-game anymore, as I knida reached my limit in skill for FT.
I still read stuff but don't expect many new aircrafts.
Regarding MF 220 Drachen. the aircraft has too many parts to be ran in SP properly, unless you have something high end like I now do.
the fuselage is done and ready, but the cockpit is missing a lot of components, since I wanted that aircraft to be VR ready, but also, there's an endless amount of subsystems to recreate, and researching forgotten old WWII equipment is a nightmare to find info, especially the avionics. one has to be creative in the way to arrange the parts, they're there and were made but... never got connected to the various ways they can be, and that's where imagination comes to shine!