Ability to add text onto fuselage(and with high definition) wether it is for fancy fuselage names or for text inside the cockpit. so we can place text above each gauge or general section to indicate it's purpose. also with customizable font.
@Brields95 umm... you should know not all of us have a BUDGET to buy a GTX 970 right? I do play in a laptop btw, with all settings to max: Samsung Series 7 Chronos/ I7 3635QM (3.4Ghz), AMD Radeon R9 2GB, 12GB DDR3 RAM and 500GB SSD. this is my dad's laptop, as I dont own anything myself apart from my cheap smartphone, nerf darts and my bike.
@mikoyanster I support the idea of adding better paint options to the game, it would make writing logos easier or aplying camouflages, they can often get very boring and laggy to make, with over 100-300 parts in just camouflage pattern...
following the VR switches, add "potentiometers", if possible, with custom input or FT support. it can be useful for multiple purposes inside the cockpit. it's be different from normal rotators because you could "interact" with the rotator itself to adjust a certain setting.
Gotta say, your "battle Doll" is very useful for measuring interior sizes, since she's 1.7m. That way I can use her as a crew member and verify that every seat and component has the correct size (especially useful on tank turrets).
Amazing bird mate! Btw, the B2 Spirit can refuel at mid-air, the socket is a rotative socket, so when not in use, it rotates leaving the stealth surface at view, but when refueling, the socket rotates to the opposite side, exposing the refueling hole. I saw it on YouTube.
I have a suggestion: For the wheels have the option to hide the rims and physically connect custom made rims to the tires and have a specific rotator to connect directly to an engine or a gearbox. This so we can make custom rims for vehicles. Also a gearbox part to choose different gear ratios to play with.
@Zeezar2666 there are cases when it's the only solution, because the other person's mind is so blinded that they'll only acknoledge to stop when they've recieved a good hit. back in school I was bullied too, kids would throw my lunch bag onto the trash bin or simply pick me up for a fight when I was playing hide and seek with my friends(just because I was the smallest and slender kid in the class), in those cases, either you learn to fight and give them a good punch, or things will only get worse.
Of course violence is not good and shall be avoided at all costs if possible, but there's exceptions when it's your last resort because no one will do a thing fo you.
@Pilotmario I understand your point, but as you said, you didn't know the number of vessels and so on, on the other hand, staffel distrusted your may or not have been humanitarian aid. anyways even if you want to argue over this the whole week, the server has been deleted and so staffel's navy, my navy, your navy and everyone's too. So the war is over and I'm going to sleep, good night.
@MrVaultech @Pilotmario as having read the whole thread when the server was online, I suppose this is a mistake for both parts, one for not having an early warning system or adequate spotting equipment and the other for excessive use of force. Even if it's just Patrol boats, they can be quite fast and good at evading stuff, so there goes a fault for Staffel, and as for Pilot, completely ignoring the sentence of "there's a peacekeeping fleet here" and firing an excessive amount of missiles.
regarding this, there should be an overspeed range in wich the engine is safe. some engines are set for 3200rpm, but they can perfectly reach 3600rpm if needed(Ex: Fw190 BMW801), so the real over-rev would be past 3600rpm, I wish such feature existed to set a RPM extra range so it doesn't blow up for overspeeding by 10RPM...
exactly what I've pointed out in some of my posts. a known bug is memory leak due to pause, but that's just a minor thing. the annoying thing is that it barely uses resources at it's disposal, yet, it lags like if I were running Nier Automata at 4K... first off, the game always runs the GPU on Idle and cpu is barely on 30-50% load, also the RAM usae is farily low when comparing to games that can actually put a pc to it's knees for not enough resources. the game choke's itself for resources despite having a ginormous amount of resources, which varies a bit from each device.
add the Ejection input, so we press a separate button and ejct from the canopy. add it like an FT so we can link it to various things(or multiple seats too)
As a casual fan of Blackpink myself... I'd just move on. Of course, I'd be pretty upset if someone told me in a mocking manner that... Lets say Opeth would be disbanding (hypothetical) But those are events well outside your reach, more than grief the disbanding, there's nothing else you can do about it. Stay strong and carry on mate.
Me 262 chewing through it's Jumo 004 is not much of a design flaw, but rather an entire lack of rare metals. that's why it could only go 12h safely and a max of 50h before exploding. A pair of Junkers Jumo 004 was entirely rebuilt by General Electric if I'm not mistaken (for the original airworthy Me-262 currently under restoration). those Jumo 004's with newer alloys now have an estimated service life before maintenance of 250h of flight time. Also, Jumo 004's costed way cheaper than BMW 801 or DB603 or Jumo 213 piston engines.
@JackTheBestBoss the car is still under development and it's stats are classified for now, we don't want our competitors to know it's top speed or stuff like that, but consider this as a Teaser from Team Aurora.
the less weight your car has, the less bouncy it gets. try to reduce as much drag as you can, this way you can have lots of top speed without a huge amount of HP. Look for real life blueprints and tutorials of F1 building, suspension, etc. many of those things apply here in SP.
@Typhoon03 @SILVERPANZER Thank you very much for the upvotes! glad you found this hidden gem of mine nwn. For those wondering, This Taika uses components from Vaultech, the APS system differs slightly in position to his Zaneta, and while we use the same 128mm ammunition, this marks the split of RH128 made by me and those made by Vaultech. Additionally, the RCS turret was a special request from Vaultech for his Zaneta, and I mounted it on the Taika because why not.
I want to ask something, will piston engines get revamped? I made a very complicated FT code for the simulation of a Jumo 222 with it's supercharger and variable speed propeller. but the sounds don't quite go with it. also it would be nice to see a fuel consumption reduction on SP 2, as it's always been a problem in the game.
will we be able to make compound engines? in Fyout it's a highly requested feature, and it would be nice to mechanically hook up a piston engine to a compressor to use the exhaust gases. Aslo, please add custom exhaust tubes, I remember it as a mod many yars ago. hmm what else, maybe naval engines and propellers? would be cool.
A radar module with editable parameters would be awesome, so we can properly model target aquisition depending on the radar we're using and its output.
can I suggest something? increase the cannon tracer round lighting by 1.5-2 times, since the light halo source is usually bigger than the round itself.
@CoolPeach ohh, ok... that means it has to be the old way but new parts... sort of?
also... mind if I ask you some help with a cockpit? I see that you already made the button pannel that I was planing to build, so maybe you could lend me a hand in decorating the cockpit...
pretty deadly tank, I can notice that the muzzle velocity has improved a lot in comparison with the first versions of the RH128mm, which plays a good factor in combat. I like the design btw, it's rare to see back-turreted tanks nowadays.
Ability to add text onto fuselage(and with high definition) wether it is for fancy fuselage names or for text inside the cockpit. so we can place text above each gauge or general section to indicate it's purpose. also with customizable font.
+39Slat and flap wing parts. currently, it's extremely hard to simulate flaps and slats in-game, so this additin would be very useful.
+12@Brields95 umm... you should know not all of us have a BUDGET to buy a GTX 970 right? I do play in a laptop btw, with all settings to max: Samsung Series 7 Chronos/ I7 3635QM (3.4Ghz), AMD Radeon R9 2GB, 12GB DDR3 RAM and 500GB SSD. this is my dad's laptop, as I dont own anything myself apart from my cheap smartphone, nerf darts and my bike.
+10@mikoyanster I support the idea of adding better paint options to the game, it would make writing logos easier or aplying camouflages, they can often get very boring and laggy to make, with over 100-300 parts in just camouflage pattern...
+7following the VR switches, add "potentiometers", if possible, with custom input or FT support. it can be useful for multiple purposes inside the cockpit. it's be different from normal rotators because you could "interact" with the rotator itself to adjust a certain setting.
+6Gotta say, your "battle Doll" is very useful for measuring interior sizes, since she's 1.7m. That way I can use her as a crew member and verify that every seat and component has the correct size (especially useful on tank turrets).
+6@AndrewGarrison custom text... that'd be trully a blessing!
+5We need a Tanya the evil version of this...
+5Amazing bird mate! Btw, the B2 Spirit can refuel at mid-air, the socket is a rotative socket, so when not in use, it rotates leaving the stealth surface at view, but when refueling, the socket rotates to the opposite side, exposing the refueling hole. I saw it on YouTube.
+5I have a suggestion: For the wheels have the option to hide the rims and physically connect custom made rims to the tires and have a specific rotator to connect directly to an engine or a gearbox. This so we can make custom rims for vehicles. Also a gearbox part to choose different gear ratios to play with.
+4Gundam? EVA? TSF? Valkyrie? so many posibilities!
+4meanwhile, me waiting for money to build a new pc because my laptop can't handle those mods...
+4is this Warthunder?!! the level of detail is impressive!
+4@Zeezar2666 there are cases when it's the only solution, because the other person's mind is so blinded that they'll only acknoledge to stop when they've recieved a good hit. back in school I was bullied too, kids would throw my lunch bag onto the trash bin or simply pick me up for a fight when I was playing hide and seek with my friends(just because I was the smallest and slender kid in the class), in those cases, either you learn to fight and give them a good punch, or things will only get worse.
+4Of course violence is not good and shall be avoided at all costs if possible, but there's exceptions when it's your last resort because no one will do a thing fo you.
@Pilotmario I understand your point, but as you said, you didn't know the number of vessels and so on, on the other hand, staffel distrusted your may or not have been humanitarian aid. anyways even if you want to argue over this the whole week, the server has been deleted and so staffel's navy, my navy, your navy and everyone's too. So the war is over and I'm going to sleep, good night.
+4@MrVaultech @Pilotmario as having read the whole thread when the server was online, I suppose this is a mistake for both parts, one for not having an early warning system or adequate spotting equipment and the other for excessive use of force. Even if it's just Patrol boats, they can be quite fast and good at evading stuff, so there goes a fault for Staffel, and as for Pilot, completely ignoring the sentence of "there's a peacekeeping fleet here" and firing an excessive amount of missiles.
+4regarding this, there should be an overspeed range in wich the engine is safe. some engines are set for 3200rpm, but they can perfectly reach 3600rpm if needed(Ex: Fw190 BMW801), so the real over-rev would be past 3600rpm, I wish such feature existed to set a RPM extra range so it doesn't blow up for overspeeding by 10RPM...
+4Russian Bias
+4the cockpit has an inverted "water drop" shape, that woud cause unnecesary drag. the shortest section should be at the front
+4@Zipi45 Twitch, but the link will be here anyways, once the tournament starts.
+4Another thing I'd like is to measure size in milimiters and decimals for Kg, as some pieces require extremely precise building.
+3exactly what I've pointed out in some of my posts. a known bug is memory leak due to pause, but that's just a minor thing. the annoying thing is that it barely uses resources at it's disposal, yet, it lags like if I were running Nier Automata at 4K... first off, the game always runs the GPU on Idle and cpu is barely on 30-50% load, also the RAM usae is farily low when comparing to games that can actually put a pc to it's knees for not enough resources. the game choke's itself for resources despite having a ginormous amount of resources, which varies a bit from each device.
+3add the Ejection input, so we press a separate button and ejct from the canopy. add it like an FT so we can link it to various things(or multiple seats too)
+3@Sovietstrike333 @Guiso @BogdanX thank you very much! have a safe flight!
+3@MrVaultech @Bife @ThomasRoderick thank you very much everyone! I hope you enjoy this wonderful plane.
+3As a casual fan of Blackpink myself... I'd just move on. Of course, I'd be pretty upset if someone told me in a mocking manner that... Lets say Opeth would be disbanding (hypothetical) But those are events well outside your reach, more than grief the disbanding, there's nothing else you can do about it. Stay strong and carry on mate.
+3@Alta2809 that's a very good advice there mate.
+3Me 262 chewing through it's Jumo 004 is not much of a design flaw, but rather an entire lack of rare metals. that's why it could only go 12h safely and a max of 50h before exploding. A pair of Junkers Jumo 004 was entirely rebuilt by General Electric if I'm not mistaken (for the original airworthy Me-262 currently under restoration). those Jumo 004's with newer alloys now have an estimated service life before maintenance of 250h of flight time. Also, Jumo 004's costed way cheaper than BMW 801 or DB603 or Jumo 213 piston engines.
+3somehow I feel Squirrel is like the Yoko Taro of quotes on this website
+3Welcome to SP, Elon-san
+3I guess this mod has some troubles stabilizing a 30 ton turret... nontheless, really awesome mod!
+3in my humble opinion, the best beverage is Mead
+3beware of the spitfires
+3@Spikerya @Mumpsy @getorge Thank you very much guys! I hope you all enjoy this amazing car!
+3@JackTheBestBoss the car is still under development and it's stats are classified for now, we don't want our competitors to know it's top speed or stuff like that, but consider this as a Teaser from Team Aurora.
+3the less weight your car has, the less bouncy it gets. try to reduce as much drag as you can, this way you can have lots of top speed without a huge amount of HP. Look for real life blueprints and tutorials of F1 building, suspension, etc. many of those things apply here in SP.
+3@Typhoon03 @SILVERPANZER Thank you very much for the upvotes! glad you found this hidden gem of mine nwn. For those wondering, This Taika uses components from Vaultech, the APS system differs slightly in position to his Zaneta, and while we use the same 128mm ammunition, this marks the split of RH128 made by me and those made by Vaultech. Additionally, the RCS turret was a special request from Vaultech for his Zaneta, and I mounted it on the Taika because why not.
+2I want to ask something, will piston engines get revamped? I made a very complicated FT code for the simulation of a Jumo 222 with it's supercharger and variable speed propeller. but the sounds don't quite go with it. also it would be nice to see a fuel consumption reduction on SP 2, as it's always been a problem in the game.
will we be able to make compound engines? in Fyout it's a highly requested feature, and it would be nice to mechanically hook up a piston engine to a compressor to use the exhaust gases. Aslo, please add custom exhaust tubes, I remember it as a mod many yars ago. hmm what else, maybe naval engines and propellers? would be cool.
A radar module with editable parameters would be awesome, so we can properly model target aquisition depending on the radar we're using and its output.
+2TSF... It's nice to see some Muv-Luv fans over here!
+2can I suggest something? increase the cannon tracer round lighting by 1.5-2 times, since the light halo source is usually bigger than the round itself.
+2this is insane... awesome work mate!
+2@CoolPeach ohh, ok... that means it has to be the old way but new parts... sort of?
+2also... mind if I ask you some help with a cockpit? I see that you already made the button pannel that I was planing to build, so maybe you could lend me a hand in decorating the cockpit...
some of them are Spikerya, Takicraft, Juanfly, me and some other players I can't remember their name.
+2o7 mate, you were a great Mod.
+2wow... never expected SP to ave this level of easter egg...
+2@BlackThuNDR mayyybe this fits for your egg-airforce... maybe not xd
+2incredible detail and the handling and grip feel really good.
+2@SonicManiaOVA will give it a try again with the new update, I have some new wheels just for this.
+2pretty deadly tank, I can notice that the muzzle velocity has improved a lot in comparison with the first versions of the RH128mm, which plays a good factor in combat. I like the design btw, it's rare to see back-turreted tanks nowadays.
+2so that's the actual lore... ok, I might watch the anime on my free time