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Tips on making race cars?

1,157 substygram  6.8 years ago

I'm only about to start making race cars (preferably Formula class), and I was wondering if any of you with past experiences on could share some tips on how to make a great car. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!

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    Tip give it wheels

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    umm one thing this game doesn't have any realistic factors unless you have the mods but other than that the suspension doesn't have to be to a tee.

    4.1 years ago
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    Whenever your cars are ready I’d like to test them if you don’t mind.

    5.0 years ago
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    downforce, its extremely useful on high speed cornering to keep you rooted to the ground, just remember that it needs to be equal on the front and back or else you might pull wheelies

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    the less weight your car has, the less bouncy it gets. try to reduce as much drag as you can, this way you can have lots of top speed without a huge amount of HP. Look for real life blueprints and tutorials of F1 building, suspension, etc. many of those things apply here in SP.

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    Lots of downforce. That is key. Have lots of sideways traction for cornering. More weight=more speed. No suspension, it messes up handling. Use stabilizers. Active aero sometimes helps, but not in an f1 car. If on mobile I find using pitch as throttle gives very good speed control, and using Yaw to turn makes it easier to handle. Don't have too much horsepower, that only makes the car suck lol

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    No suspension if the AI's driving
    it gets high on bounce
    Make sure to use stabilizers, especially vertical ones, and TRACTION IS KEY

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    Make active areo and use airbrakes to turn check out my phantom hates to see what I mean

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    also backwards flat bottom wings make good downforce, to make sure it’s facing the right way add a control surface and it should be in front, then rotate the wing 12 degrees down

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    Here's an example of a bare bones F1 created as a test rig for pushrod suspension. Here's an example of a race car that the AI can control very well. I only make functional stuff (mainly suspension) that works very well but doesn't look good. If you want to use anything I've made, go ahead as long as you mention me in the description

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW
    1. Independent suspension is fun but lack of differential makes it bouncy and awful on tarmac
    2. True F1 suspension is unbelievably hard to get working but is AMAZING
    3. Use a little bit of downforce with angled wings. Have slightly more down-force on the rear
    4. Full traction forward/back and slightly below full for sideways
    5. Stock settings for wheel suspension can work OK on some setups

    Just how I get decent performance. Other people go for other setups

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    Don't forget to set up a perfect traction number because auto traction is not the best... If you don't want to build an accidental drift missile then set the real wheel's sideways traction a bit higher than the forvard is (f.e.: if the forvard traction is 70% the sideways should be 90%) scale down a structural wing to 0.25 in every axis, that part would be great for spoilers, and aerodynamic stuffs.

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    35.6k Delphinos

    @DemonSniper8 and @TakicraftCorporation may have awesome tips for you ;-)

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    -Always put some dead weight on the last fuselages connected to your wheels, it will increase the grip of your car.

    -You should also experiment spoilers with wings (and not fuselage ) : if done right it could give even more grip.

    -The more you have engines, the better it is.
    4 wheels, 4 engines. Better acceleration in general.

    +3 6.8 years ago