23.4k marcox43 Comments

  • Focke Wulf Fw 190 P-1 mit Jumo 222 14 days ago

    upvoting because I really love the Jumo 222 engine :D

  • [Screenshot] Your Average MP Experience 5 16 days ago

    hmmm... not sure what is causing it, but there's an almost spam error saying something about Kinetic bodies not supported. everytime I typed in chat, it got flooded by that message in miliseconds and so I could barely chat.

  • [Screenshot] Your Average MP Experience 5 19 days ago

    what server is actually running curently? I miss fooling around in the MP

  • (fliyng )Police Trophy truck 2 months ago

    @Mikhailf exactly hahaha

  • (fliyng )Police Trophy truck 2 months ago

    I am unsure if you're playing in low physics, but the truck is unable to hit 300Km/h in a straight line unless wings are removed, also it flips. I suggest putting a rear spoiler to counter the front wing.

  • Fuselage Compendium 2 months ago


  • what's the max rpm you can push a piston engine on Simpleplanes? 2 months ago

    @Johnnyynf That's really awesome! I'm sadly not well versed in FT and very out of date, but I can build engines well tho.

  • what's the max rpm you can push a piston engine on Simpleplanes? 2 months ago

    @Johnnyynf wait a moment, how on earth did you make a triple side crankshaft work?!
    All I've managed is a flatplane or semi-crossplane at most.

  • what's the max rpm you can push a piston engine on Simpleplanes? 2 months ago

    @Johnnyynf given this RPM limitation, maybe we should focus on high stroke-low bore engines, such as marine Diesels. I did a couple back then, but they has such humongous torque that they tilted the whole ship, so a dual contra-rotating setup is recommended for proper use.

  • what's the max rpm you can push a piston engine on Simpleplanes? 2 months ago

    @Johnnyynf I think it has to do with Unity's wobbly physics, same reason for the "Kraken" in KSP. Game engie limitation it seems...

  • ???QUITTING SIMPLEPLANES??? 3 months ago

    Most people have grown, a lot of players I used to hang out over here left the game.
    To give you an example: I joined SP in my last 2 years of school back in 2015, FF 2024, here I am in my last year of Automotive mechanical engineering. I have many designs collecting dust due to lack of certain in-game skills, but also shifted to other games.

    As comparison, many friends my age have already started families or are at full-time jobs (or both).

  • Holographic gunsight (simple reticle) 6 months ago

    Sir, you're a genius! thanks for the discovery!

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ 8 months ago

    I have a question, will there be or if it's already supported the command line for friendly, neutral and enemy aircrafts? For example, in the bomber escort mission the bomber is marked blue, normal ones are grey and tun red when we target them with radar. so can these blue tags be replicated via FT? so as to have an integrated IFF inside the aircraft.

  • Fouga MIK Magister 9 months ago

    Welcome back Miko! Missed ya!

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ 9 months ago

    I have a suggestion: For the wheels have the option to hide the rims and physically connect custom made rims to the tires and have a specific rotator to connect directly to an engine or a gearbox. This so we can make custom rims for vehicles. Also a gearbox part to choose different gear ratios to play with.

  • Panther III Artillery(Desert 2) 11 months ago

    @SILVERPANZER thx for the upvote! Man, I freaking loved using this thing in Multiplayer or just convoy raid, very precise and deadly too. I had to add a rear stabilizer becase the recoil was so much it would lift the tank with each shot lol.

  • TCT 1 forest camo 11 months ago

    @SILVERPANZER thx for the upvote! I know I never posted a description but this was a prtotype for replacing the Panther III, it stayed as a prototype and the Otter MBT entered production instead.

  • tank prototype 11 months ago

    @SILVERPANZER thx fro the upvote, omg, you found this lol.

  • VHFS-10A Voulge 11 months ago

    @Typhoon03 sure, would be interesting to see what was happening back then. my name is same as here

  • VHFS-10A Voulge 11 months ago

    @Typhoon03 a Pancake... wow, never saw it in such an awesome form. I still remember when we were testing ERA armor on one of them, it was brutal.

  • KpfPz.IX Taika A3(Vaultech) 11 months ago

    @Typhoon03 @SILVERPANZER Thank you very much for the upvotes! glad you found this hidden gem of mine nwn. For those wondering, This Taika uses components from Vaultech, the APS system differs slightly in position to his Zaneta, and while we use the same 128mm ammunition, this marks the split of RH128 made by me and those made by Vaultech. Additionally, the RCS turret was a special request from Vaultech for his Zaneta, and I mounted it on the Taika because why not.

  • VHFS-10A Voulge 11 months ago

    @Typhoon03 Vaultech said he wouldn't be posting anymore, and hasn't answered my messages in discord since nearly a year so... highly unlikely u.u
    probs life catched up or something. There's a few missing players from years ago like Mikoyanster.

  • VHFS-10A Voulge 11 months ago

    will give it a try in the afternoon or night. Really cool to see one of the collabs with MrVaultech!

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ 11 months ago

    @TheIndianGaruda Flyout has easier controls on shaping, but SP has better simmetry adjustment, as you can multiselect and spam mirror for certain shapes, which is far more complex to do in flyout, because mirror in flyout may break the entire thing...

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ 11 months ago

    Another thing I'd like is to measure size in milimiters and decimals for Kg, as some pieces require extremely precise building.

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ 11 months ago

    I want to ask something, will piston engines get revamped? I made a very complicated FT code for the simulation of a Jumo 222 with it's supercharger and variable speed propeller. but the sounds don't quite go with it. also it would be nice to see a fuel consumption reduction on SP 2, as it's always been a problem in the game.

    will we be able to make compound engines? in Fyout it's a highly requested feature, and it would be nice to mechanically hook up a piston engine to a compressor to use the exhaust gases. Aslo, please add custom exhaust tubes, I remember it as a mod many yars ago. hmm what else, maybe naval engines and propellers? would be cool.

    A radar module with editable parameters would be awesome, so we can properly model target aquisition depending on the radar we're using and its output.

  • VHFS-10A Voulge 11 months ago

    Will make a Winged hussars of this as unlisted, it was a tradition from Vaultech. great work mate! O7

  • Inline 4 engine(Piston powered) 11 months ago

    @Nathangaming82075 you have to Disconnect and Manually position it via toolbar, also manually add connections, that's how I built that engine isn the first place, since the tolerances are very tight and it would clip on everything if built traditionally.

  • Inline 4 engine(Piston powered) 11 months ago

    @Nathangaming82075 you can detach it and atach it to the lower pulley. I uploaded it un-atached because of clearance issues if I remember correctly.

  • Collision Radar 28 seconds 1.3 years ago

    looks really cool!

  • BMW E30 M3 Rally Group A 1.3 years ago

    @ToeTips thanks for the upvote!

  • Stop saying "FlyOut will replace SP" and here's why. 1.3 years ago

    hmm, while Flyout can't replace SP, SP fell behind with CSE and Procedural engines that we've been asking for ages, sure, we can make them super detailed. but it takes me 1400 parts to recreate a Junkers Jumo 222 in SP while in Flyout I can do it with roughly 30 parts. something that SP does well is custom gauges and FT, giving you limitless posibilities on that end, but the learning curve is steep and no joke that you need actual programmers if you want to make something cool with FT... on the other hand, engine supercharging and prop settings are a bit messy in Flyout right now, but in SP, while I had to make an entire formula to link every subsystem of the engine, it works flawlessly. On The Other hand, Flyout takes the lead for good aerodynamics, in which the dev has put a lot of efort into, which reflects into havings somewhat accurate data on aircrafts, contrary to SP with the wacky physics and fuel consumption. hey, Flyout now has exhaust ports... that thing was an SP mod like 3 years ago or something... never got implemented ingame. both have pros and cons, SP for cockpit detailing, Flyout more for accurate flight model and better and easier fuselage modeling.

  • Gold celebration special 1.9 years ago

    congrats mate, and keep on growing!

  • GAME-02 Caramell 2.2 years ago

    man... that build brings me memories. from before planaria deleted his old builds and androids...

  • BUILD TIME-LAPS 2.4 years ago

    the sheer patience to build this... amazing

  • TSF-01 Nocturne 2.4 years ago

    TSF... It's nice to see some Muv-Luv fans over here!

  • Gold Prix 0:00 2.5 years ago

    this is astonishingly impressive

  • Holographic projection probe 2.7 years ago

    I'm speechless

  • Revi EZ 42 Gyrosight 2.7 years ago

    @HerOberst thank you very much, I hope you enjoy this piece of equipment!

  • Žaneta Update 2.7 years ago

    wow.. you surely have improved a lot since the first versions of the Zaneta!

  • F-313A 2.7 years ago

    it's a nice aircraft, but first off, you rear landing gear needs to be closer to the center of mass, n°2: try moving your wings a bit forward, the center of lift is too far back, or either, move your center of mass backwards. 3rd: put suspension on your front landing gear, it's dangerous to even land...

  • BMW E30 M3 2.7 years ago

    @Makar1337 thank you very much for the upvote!

  • Types of SimplePlanes Players 2.8 years ago

    the "I'm gonna finish this plane someday" has like 10 unfinished proyects

  • junk aggregation 2.8 years ago

    wait wait wait... how did you manage to make that gun-piston engine?! I tried something similar years ago with no result whatsoever...

  • new off road tracks 2.8 years ago

    @ziahgamer21 i'm sure if android can still use those mods, a lot of time has passed since then.

  • ANTONOV AN-225 3.0 years ago

    rest in peace AN-225

  • So Jundroo accidentally added 1 part custom images to the game... 3.1 years ago

    sorry for the dumb questiom but where is the subassembly forlder from Windows?

  • More Uses of the Variables System 3.1 years ago

    mate, you're brilliant.
