Not alot of content since it's a Monday
The Queen Jet
Ef-thirdy-foive.. kind of
Man what is it with airliners just falling like rocks these days
two see da krash, yuo mast BIKAM da krash
I tried going after that guy but kept running out of fuel a quarter away from where he is.
@marcox43 It depends on the build you're using or what others have in the server.
If the error spams happen when someone spawns in, it's very like that user is at fault.
If it happens while you're alone, or before anyone else had spawned into your screen, it's the build you're using.
hmmm... not sure what is causing it, but there's an almost spam error saying something about Kinetic bodies not supported. everytime I typed in chat, it got flooded by that message in miliseconds and so I could barely chat.
@ShinyGemsBro cute pfp (not tryin to luv u)
JP server:
Korea server:
Last I checked KR server was down but it's probably back online again at the posting of this reply
@MonsNotTheMonster I mean they could have just implemented godmode or disabling player weapon damage, but sure that is a good possibility.
what server is actually running curently? I miss fooling around in the MP
@WzNick the mod makers probably did that on purpose, to y'know, so no one will become the arsenal bird and spam too much missles
@MonsNotTheMonster combat does work but De-sync is a big problem, on one screen a missile hits but the other it doesn't so yeah that type of problem.
Question, does combat work in there?
ok the last guy is uhhhh
@YarisHatchback facts XD
@JBPAviation most sane mp players right there
No way! You get normal people? When I play mp I almost always have to deal with flying pigs or insane abominations LOL.