Q: What is the release date?
A: 2025 is as precise as we are willing to be at the moment. We will refine that date once we get closer to release.
Q: What platforms are you releasing SimplePlanes 2 for?
A: Steam is planned for 2025 with support for Windows and macOS. Next we plan to tackle iOS and Android. After that, we will continue to evaluate any other platforms that make sense. Console and Quest are certainly in the realm of possibility.
Q: Are there SimplePlanes 1 builds in the SimplePlanes 2 trailer?
A: Yes! SP2 will be backwards compatible so players can fly their old SP1 crafts in SP2. There are so many great crafts that players have made over the years that we wanted to make sure they can experience them in SP2 with better visuals, new environments, and multiplayer. We also upgraded the crafts in the trailer with some of the new enhancements in SP2 such as new curvy wings, procedural jet engines, aircraft textures, etc.
Q: Will it be localized?
A: Yes, localization is planned to make SimplePlanes 2 accessible to a global audience.
Q: Will it support VR?
A: We do plan to support VR, because we love flying your crafts in VR, but this may not make the initial release.
Q: Will it have part X/Y/Z or feature A/B/C?
A: We are focused on our own internal roadmap right now and we will be somewhat quiet over the next few months. As we get further into development we will become more collaborative with the community to see what features are important to them. And of course after release we will continue to incorporate player feedback as we have done with our previous games Juno: New Origins and SimplePlanes 1.
Q: Can I be a beta tester?
A: We will announce beta testing opportunities closer to the release date. Interested players will be able to sign up via a registration form, and participants will likely be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Q: What will happen to SimplePlanes 1 when SimplePlanes 2 is released?
A: SimplePlanes 1 will continue to be supported with approximately one maintenance update per year. Players will still be able to upload and download crafts from SimplePlanes.com. However, crafts created in SimplePlanes 2 will not be compatible with SimplePlanes 1.
Q: What will happen to SimplePlanes.com when SimplePlanes 2 comes out?
A: SimplePlanes.com will continue to serve the community as it does now, and we will expand its capabilities to support uploads from SimplePlanes 2. As we shift our focus to developing SimplePlanes 2, expect to see enhancements to the website. These updates will aim to improve user experience and functionality, ensuring the site remains a vibrant hub for both SimplePlanes and SimplePlanes 2 players.
Q: This is exciting, what do I do?
A: Join the excitement by wishlisting SimplePlanes 2 on Steam!
Stay tuned for more updates and engage with our community to be part of the journey toward release.
Please add a data export feature. IE logging the values of variables of a flight to a csv or xlsx please! Having it for mobile too would be nice :D
I need a simpler FunkyTree flight control programming
@Axartar Thank you
@Avionesparaselular its a new game, you will have to pay for it
Hello, will SP2 be paid?
@Icey21 Interesting...
Auto land systems for reusable boosters
Self-flying ships for interplanetary travel
Customized autopilot
@Icey21 I have no idea what the stuff the SR2 guys can make is.
@IFVuser the sheer amount of high quality FBW etc. things people would be able to make with block coding lol
@Icey21 i agree, i knew a bit of block coding, and honestly its much easier to learn
@ComradeSandman it's effectively the same.
I mean loo at the stuff SR2 guys can make
@Icey21 Would that not be limiting compared to FT? Or is the stacked nature of FT already effectively the same?
is napalm going to be in the game?
what about nukes?
I petition block coding for SP2
Any new news?
the GTS has already come out, but simplaplans no (((
Will there be more windspeeds?
Thanks @TFSGAMER15 for full date
Whatever map arrangement SP2 may have, could I suggest some more compact areas? It’d be need to have, say, an empty building (just a simple floor plan) and having to construct some sort of rover to explore it.
it may not work 100 percent the same though.
Does that mean I can fly my old build from sp1 and convert it to sp2?
Shall you add the Netherlands tag sir?
@TFSGAMER15 Definitely not gonna be free