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FW-190 A-8 Cold Start - Cockpit POV

54.3k CoolPeach  3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    No fancy edits, just footage of me starting up the Fw-190. Procedure is based upon real life, but still needs some refinement.

    Pinned 3.5 years ago
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    240 vict12

    Are going to make this

    2.3 years ago
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    How many parts is there currently?

    2.7 years ago
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    1,188 Embedd

    Sorry if it sounded mean but ok I will try to tink with the turret’s rotators

    3.4 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Because that was easier for me before they introduced FT. You can easily change it yourself. @AlexsandrSenaviev

    3.4 years ago
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    1,188 Embedd


    3.4 years ago
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    Ok @CoolPeach

    3.4 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Very busy nowadays, will probably have more time in the following months

    3.5 years ago
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    When Will you post this? @CoolPeach

    3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Upon thinking about it, I think a really easy way to do the timer now would to have variable like "EngineON" and then have the input be "EngineON + clamp01(Activate1)". Then in the engine, have an expression that checks if the variable is greater than say 1000 (so EngineOn > 1000). Then you could also check if Activate1 is turned off set EngineOn = 0, with a higher priority. That way it resets each time you turn off the inertial starter or whatever.

    3.5 years ago
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    I would like that a lot, maybe like a simple run down will do@CoolPeach

    3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Im using a turbofan engine for the wind up sound, and that essentially turns on when the button is pressed and turns off when the button is not pressed (using variables). As for the actual timer, that's a bit more in depth, let me know if you want to know more about that @Soardivision160th

    3.5 years ago
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    I’m blown away, i know it’s a funky trees thing, but is there a step by step on how to do your engine start up, not the whole process but I just want that awesome sound with the slow start up, I got a chopper in mind I want to use that for, plus my uncle is a pilot and I want to surprise him today.

    3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Yea it’s a funky trees formula. Essentially it starts a counter when you activate the internal starter, when you pull it out it checks if the counter is above a certain value, if it is the engine starts, if it isn’t it doesn’t. @Sergio666

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    61.3k Sergio666

    Friend, this is incredible, I have never seen something so realistic, can I ask you how did you start the engine of the slow plane (realistic)? Funky trees?

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    @CoolPeach can you give the mod the makes the game like a flight sim , I am a airbus a320neo pilot in real life so could make a a320 model

    3.5 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    @CoolPeach amazing!

    3.5 years ago
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    16.5k SilverStar

    Realistic compared to the real startup!

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    3,885 Hectord27

    Really well done, looks very realistic

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    It is like the old way, but only takes 2 parts, compared to like 20 the old way. I can offer some help if you like @marcox43

    3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Not VR, that hasn’t been released yet. But right now all the buttons and switches are interactable

    3.5 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    @CoolPeach ohh, ok... that means it has to be the old way but new parts... sort of?
    also... mind if I ask you some help with a cockpit? I see that you already made the button pannel that I was planing to build, so maybe you could lend me a hand in decorating the cockpit...

    +2 3.5 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    way smooth wings
    btw, is this VR? or can you click things in SP now?

    3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Used a single text part on top of a generic cockpit dial face and the just spaced the text around accordingly. Couldn’t change the actual increments tho, that’s set by the dial faces. @marcox43

    3.5 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    wait... how did you do the scale for A.T.A and RPM?!

    3.5 years ago
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