16.3k SilverStar

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joined 5.3 years ago

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Player Biography  

About me

I’m 20 years old and I live in France, not far of Lyon.
I’m passionate about aviation, astronomy, old vehicles, and drift cars.
Simpleplanes is one of my favorite games because it mixes 2 things that I like, building (I played a lot with Lego) and airplanes.
Also I am a member of the French Community of SimplePlanes (CFSP).
I'm also the 2nd user of Simpleplanes.com who found his house on Simpleplanes (Lyon GIS map).
Sometimes I give a hand in a warbird association, so I work on airplanes like T-6 Texan... and other warbirds

You want to create something based on one of my builds ? Please credit me in its description, thanks in advance (because sometimes, auto-credit doesn't work).


- 2016/2017 Started playing SP
- 22/12/2019 Joined SP.com
- 26/04/2020 Achieved Silver
- 22/07/2021 Achieved 50 followers
- 04/08/2021 Achieved Gold
- 15/04/2023 Achieved 100 followers
- 25/09/2023 1000h+
- 28/12/2024 Achieved 200 followers

My Favorite planes

I love ww2 period aircraft (military but also civilian), but I'm also interested in 50s-60s designs like piston powered aircraft, early jets (Caravelle, 707...), russian cold war era machines (Il-76, Il-62, Il-18, An-12...), and for modern aircraft, mainly private jets (Dassault, Gulfstream, Bombardier all of that).

My Instagram Spotting Account (Click here)

If there is a problem with one of my builds, tell me in the comments. Finally, enjoy !