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I Am No Longer A Moderator

245k EternalDarkness  3.3 years ago

Apparently, someone has reported a joke I made on SPBC about the current situation in Afghanistan, which Andrew took as enough to remove my moderator role. I no longer have any mod powers, and the red banner will be removed soon too.
It has been a pleasure serving this community for so many years. I have made many friends, and I intend to keep them. I will not be abandoning the game and the community. I'm waiting for the update to finish some awesome builds.
Unfortunately, you can no longer ping me to fix your successor links. That duty now goes to Vincent, Dorian, and whoever gets selected to replace me. I will also no longer be settling disputes, hunting down underaged users, removing copy builds, or performing any other moderator duties.

Yours sincerely,

Edit: I was informed that it's actually about a statement I made on the counterproductive influence of BLM on the general view of the African Americans, where I forgot to translate every word to newspeak, on a private server I'm in.

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    Thank you all for support. I wasn't expecting so many of you will be there. I can't possibly hope to reply to each of your comments individually, but I appreciate them all.

    Pinned 3.3 years ago
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    1,420 THEOKPILOT

    @Strikefighter04 True bro.

    3 months ago
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    @MarkMCraft I used to receive death threats. Not really hard, I'm good with people, but it could be really annoying at times.

    +1 3 months ago
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    @MarkMCraft no worries. Anyway, running a small server with a couple of friends helping moderate it, with mostly friends in it, is much better than running this community.

    +1 3 months ago
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    @MarkMCraft you're asking me what was the joke I made three years ago? What did you have for breakfast on this day three years ago? (:

    3 months ago
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    @MarkMCraft I thought so myself at first. Now, I'm happy running my little Discord server with my friends and not having to deal with all the stuff that comes with being a moderator.

    3 months ago
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    59.8k TheMouse

    Well thats good.

    8 months ago
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    @Mousewithamachinegun122 eh, it's just kids. You can't expect kids to be rational. I'm on pretty good terms now, years later, with the very worst of them.

    +1 8 months ago
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    59.8k TheMouse

    Although I never experienced you as a mod, from the comments below I can see you were probably one of the best. But those arguments you are having to deal with. Ridiculous. Every day I am amazed by how illogical people can be.

    8 months ago
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    I agree. People just can’t handle jokes these days. People love to be miserable and blame others for their problems, or sometimes try to make things their problems just to attack others. So sad. @EternalDarkness

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    31.9k LJh1

    @WarringMunky …

    1.4 years ago
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    @WarringMunky on the topic of your enthusiasm for the game, given the average quality of your builds, community is not at much of a loss there. As for the context to the comment, it is a standard practice to permanently ban all accounts whose owners are known to be younger than 13 and who cannot prove parental supervision, due to US laws (Jundroo is based in the US). That's how we prevent pedophilia on the internet, to the best of our abilities and authority.

    1.4 years ago
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    @imprezamk I don't. It's simpler to let others deal with the miscreants. I've had my boost of reputation out of it, and there was nothing left for me in that role anyway.

    1.4 years ago
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    1,195 imprezamk

    I feel sorry for your loss of your mod banner.

    1.4 years ago
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    31.9k LJh1

    @WarringMunky What does it mean to capture underage users

    1.4 years ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @TheTomatoLover i think he might be joking fr 💀

    1.5 years ago
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    20.5k tl

    @EternalDarkness lmao
    fr you aren’t a weirdo

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @WarringMunky I'm not a Catholic priest.

    +3 1.6 years ago
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    Can you post sone unfinished work? I really liked your builds and I would like to see at least part of something new.

    1.7 years ago
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    36.9k Graingy

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 I mean, it did always look like the guys in the red zone were having a blast on that graphic Andrew Garrison posted once...

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @Graingy its not even the first time i have ever done some rule-breaking by accident in fact, currently my 4th strikes was several months ago Lmaoooo

    1.7 years ago
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    36.9k Graingy

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 SIXTH!?

    1.7 years ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @Graingy yeah... Im sorry if that comment contains slurs... I was actually quite heated while typing that comment... oh well too late then i might get a sixth strike from a mod

    1.7 years ago
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    50.7k BeastHunter

    @EternalDarkness First off, I don’t support banning words. I support using words in normal conversations that aren’t hateful, and the sad truth of the internet is that it has people from all over the world, not just your country. Even if, as you said, are insensitive to using pejorative terms does not mean that your words carry no harm.

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    36.9k Graingy

    Okay, so in my case, the responsible thing for me to do would be to realize that I caused a fight on the internet accidentally, cross off an item on the bucket list I didn't know I had, and then move on to avoid getting caught up in this whole debacle.
    But still... well, I wanted to say beforehand that I agree with the sentiment, however I also feel responsible to mention that perhaps the response to someone who willingly used a horrible slur isn't to willingly call them a horrible slur.
    Again!, I'm not trying to call you out or anything, I absolutely know that cursed betrayal (Goodness knows I've seen enough cases where an online artist I like turns out to do NSFW, though perhaps that isn't quite the same level as... this), but...
    Well, I guess I'm just trying to talk this down, (even if you've only had like 2 things said here). And calling someone a MiG-15 is a bit dangerous.
    Idk, I don't do this often. This is one of the first major internet fights I've been around or had any part in (save that one argument about labeling russian vehicles with Soviet symbols I had that one time... moving on).
    Umm... yeah. Sorry. Don't know what I'm doing here, but that's my unwanted input for you, no malintent... Peace? Hopefully?

    +1 1.7 years ago
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