Is there any way to prevent a prop or rotor from overspeeding that doesn't involve changing the pitch? I recall there being a feature in the XML to adjust the RPM of an engine but I can't find it.
Is there any way to prevent a prop or rotor from overspeeding that doesn't involve changing the pitch? I recall there being a feature in the XML to adjust the RPM of an engine but I can't find it.
@IStoleYourMeme ... Just type it ur own in there it doesnt need stuff to be already there
A little bit of both. Was inactive for a while (between Trabant 601 and Fl 282 there was indeed nothing) and deleted some of my crappier uploads when I came back @Brields95
Did you delete a bunch of stuf or were you actually inactive
I'll get back to you on this.
There is...
regarding this, there should be an overspeed range in wich the engine is safe. some engines are set for 3200rpm, but they can perfectly reach 3600rpm if needed(Ex: Fw190 BMW801), so the real over-rev would be past 3600rpm, I wish such feature existed to set a RPM extra range so it doesn't blow up for overspeeding by 10RPM...
You'll have to put it under <HeliMainRotor.State Like: <HeliMainRotor.Stat power="1500" maxRpm="1"
@Feanor Yeah, I can't seem to find it. Do you know if it was removed? The closest thing I see is cyclicRPMFalloffExpo and I have no idea what that does but it doesn't help with overspeeding.
The maxRpm=" property?