1,971 FLYGUY101

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joined 6.5 years ago

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A Little Bit About Me

I am an amateur astronomer and a wanna be pilot who is currently working on his pilot's license, and I am obsessed with the sky. I discovered simple planes in year 2018 and now I can't stop playing it. I love the community and the creativity! Simple Planes is a great game and I plan on playing it for years to come!

What I Do

I'm not the best at making my own, original aircraft and vehicle designs, which is why I've taken on the role of Editor! I take others creations and edit them to near perfection (in my opinion), boosting their overall performance, stability, control, and/or look. If you have any vehicles and/or aircraft that you would like me to improve, just go to my "Contact Forum" (link provided below). Go down to the comments section, tag me, and leave a link to the aircraft/vehicle that you would like me to improve! It's that simple! I will make your aircraft perform the way it was supposed to, bringing it up to it's full potential! Keep in mind that for every repost your creation gets, the more points that you will be rewarded... So if you have any projects for me, we can definitely work something out! You know where to find me!

Good luck fellow pilots! Remember, keep you eyes on the skies and shoot for the stars!
I'm FLYGUY101!
Fly safe!

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