I’m working on a build and can’t figure out if you can delay pistons like detachers. (I’m on mobile)
Edit: I want to actually delay the activation of the piston I know you can lower its speed.
I’m working on a build and can’t figure out if you can delay pistons like detachers. (I’m on mobile)
Edit: I want to actually delay the activation of the piston I know you can lower its speed.
@vcharng Nevermind I fixed it with a bit more FT learning!
@vcharng So I'm looking to delay a piston from extending. It retracts when my gear goes up, but I need it to be delayed 3 seconds when the gear comes down. The code I'm using is
LandingGear ? 1 : DELAY CODE
It works when going up, just needs a 3-second delay when coming down.Thx@vcharng
get a 1.9.203 beta and use smooth function.
Assume you want to activate it 5 seconds after AG1 is turned on, input this on the "inputid" or "input":
sign(smooth(Activate1, 0.2))