24.4k BagelPlane

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joined 6.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

Bagels are good. Building planes is fun.

Hey! BagelPlane, that's me. I occasionally build aircraft or other stuff, but not too often anymore. I do plan to upload more builds eventually. Periodically check-in here on SP.com to see what's new.

Some stuff about me:

  • I like aviation (duh, why else am I here)

  • College student studying mechanical engineering

  • 3D printing enthusiast

  • And no I don't survive on just bagels

Really helpful links:
Unlisted Builds Page
Landing Gear Delays #1
Landing Gear Delays #2
Flight Model Stuff
Funky Trees
A Bunch of Really Useful Codes

Current MP Server:

Not-so-helpful links:
My SimpleRockets2 Account (Got the Game!)

And . . .

There happens to be a hidden biplane in my bio. Try and find it!