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Bye for now.

8,762 BlunderBirb  4.7 years ago

My country has finally went into lockdown. But I doubt that you ll get any new builds from me for a while.
I have deleted the entire aircrafts folder by accident and pretty much by my own sheer stupidity I didnt have any backup.
So, everything is gone. Everything I have ever made. Every craft that was posted and not posted, every single on going project every sub assembly I ever made. All gone.
Kinda sad about it all but I was loosing intrest in the game anyway and was planning on quittng after 1.9 anyway so it really doesnt matter anymore.
These last 1.5 years were pretty nice. I made some good progress. Didnt exactly make any friends. But thats okay.
So I might be going away for a while. Bye.