Hello, this evening I would like to reach out to the developers or this website (simpleplanes.com). earlier this afternoon I saw an ad appear and it said "Discover Russain Singles Today" and I was just shocked because first of all, I haven't visited any dating websites or apps on my computer. Also, I'm not interested in per se they're not even my type. Then it dawned on me isn't simple planes for kids. I was thinking at the time would if a child was browsing on simple planes and a lady in a bikini said click here, then they get scared for life and tell their parent what had happened and then the child couldn't play Simple Planes anymore. I would send or show you what the ad was but I don't know how to.
@dogb23boy really lol?
@LastManStanding denial is a clear sign of your jealousy.
@dogb23boy nope
@Mobius1Cyka @Dllama4 I've checked my search history nothing to do with anything Russian or girls so I might have to take this question to Google.
@Omel Yes, the case is closed you were the lead investigator.
@HarrisCraft Ok, so you like Russians and also you have 69 followers did you notice? So get a Russian.
@LastManStanding What am I doing? Are you jealous that I got that ad and not you?
Can someone tell me how to post a screenshot on this website?
@LastManStanding @exosuit Lol this is not fake. I would send a screenshot if a knew how to and I don’t look hot Russia singles.
I see this as an absolute win
No picture? No No. Ads are based from your search history
That’s just google ads for ya
maybe it's you who has been searching for hot Russian singles in your area and the ads are just helping you
His-story made history
@dogb23boy ive seen that picture more than once while scrolling through airplanes on SP!
doesn't matter to me, cause ive been in love with a russian girl for a while now. But i agree on the kid part! it is horrible!
you add a picture to your forum by doing:

As easy as that above!
@Dllama4 Well.
Well, for one, ads only appear when you have not logged in. Secondly, in most cases, ads are based off of your history online.
Ads are based on your search history. So...
In all seriousness, i got no clue.