emmm,it's my first time to bulid a helicopter.But there is a question I cannot slove.(I have turn the direction of rotation.It's no use XD)
The tail rotor of this helicopter seem to have lost its function.it will fall into a rotating state when take off.So far I haven't found a solution.Did some one know how to deal with it? Thank you for your answer.
Because I will go to bed soon,so I cannot reply for the moment.
@Aeromen Oh,thanks for your help!The problem have been solved.
Check that the tail rotor direction is correct
Adjust tail rotor power and pitch range
You can choose to change the tail rotor controller method, HeadingHold is best for easier control
@Aeromen I can't find "Torque" when open overload.
oh just add a second heli rotor on top spinning in the oposite direction
also jsut link it to me i got this trust me
helicopters are eaisier the more you try to get used to the part i'm practicly a heli expert after trying to mix a tank and a helicopter
Mo pawa bebe
This would make a good entry to my challenge!
try changing the power and pitch of it and put the COM in the main rotariii