106k hpgbproductions

profile picture
joined 8.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

Image Source: me (full image: pixiv | twitter)

[ Announcement Board ]
240604 > NAGATETSU SERIES 11000 released!

[ Message of the Day ]
240604 > bro was gone for 3 months :skull:
240529 > currently a pink colored beaver lying down on the floor
240520 > on yuru pilgrimage
240512 > others are like "yet another wa plate smh" rn

[ Active Projects ]
stealing technical information from japanese train operators
ace7 schoolgirl project

Aircraft/Subassembly Generators
MIDI to Tone Generator
Image to Label Converter

Building Resources
Funky Forest - my random FT collection
Label format and unit conversion features
Material Number Offset Tool
Remove drag, collisions, etc. quickly with regex

Modding Resources
Sky Editing and Replacement

Math Supplies (not for academic or professional use!)
Bessel function approximations
Tool for determining Torque and Power over Speed

Other Content
Tech Tree (abandoned)

twitter @hpgbproductions - progress images and the occasional cursed image

Additional Content
pixiv ID 31536000
deviantart cmg-simplestuff (inactive)

Other Contacts
Discord: natania#6856
(I rarely check so I will probably miss messages)

[ Some of the images of all time ]


namie vtuber

sui truck


[ Device List ]

PC: Inspiron 7590
- CPU: i7-9750H (2.60 GHz)
- GPU: GTX 1650
- RAM: 16 GB
- SP uses: modding, mass editing and uploading processes

Android: Galaxy S10+
- SP uses: main building processes

[ Radio Station ]

80084 turismo corner

[ Imagine that one of the following lines appears in yellow and bouncing next to my username ]

  • so you're an enemy? sora aqua
  • airplane cabin lights, illuminate what's inside
  • touch some grass -> wwwwwwwwww
  • self-proclaimed fuselage cutting ninja
  • an incident a day keeps complacency away
  • what is this, an image for ants?
  • fashion taste of a 6 year old girl
  • nice argument, but //(your name)>transform.position

"if you're not making art right now what are you doing"
~ wirty chan uwu nya nya

"if aikotoba is so good where is aikotoba 2"
~ people in 2009, probably

"smile! as long as you're not dead it's a good day"
~ emotional support osean ground unit

[ Money is no more ]
Touhou LostWord: natania (inactive)
Azur Lane: [EN server] Nataniachan (Avrora, 69833124) (inactive)

Q: Plane for RP?
A: uhh ok

Q: Is there a fictional timeline?
A: There is one somewhere on the web (WIP). It can also be pieced together from aircraft descriptions if you're brave enough. I try not to leave plot holes.

(tracking since 22.09.14)

[ Random bookmarked links I may or may not use ]
"Cartoon image of simpleplanes" by factorization20
frame6 controls (aintnoway discord privating images killed this archive link)

[ Cool unlisted posts I made at some point ]

Previously known as AstleyIndustries