so, I'm trying to make a headlight/tailight and it's respective switch.
one of the possibilities I have in mind is with Activation groups, but idk how to do that one Activation group can't be active if another one hasn't been activated.
the other option I have in mind is with VTOL:
for example: if VTOL=0 there's no input on any headlight and taillight
VTOL=0.25, the parking lights and tail lights will turn on and the switch will turn 22.5°
VTOL=0.5, additionally to what we just did, the low beams will turn on and the switch will turn another 22.5°, completing a 45°turn
VTOL= 0.75 (pluss all the above) the fog lights will turn on andthe piston will travel a half of its extension
VTOL =1 (plus all the above) the rear fog light will turn on and the piston will reach it's full extension
if someone could code a funky trees for this, it would be very grateful.
(note: this kind of rotative light switch can be found in numerous german cars and some european cars too)
need help with funky trees, regardig beacons, rotators and pistons.
23.4k marcox43
4.8 years ago