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Rate of change over a certain amount of time: Funky tree suggestion

235k jamesPLANESii  4.9 years ago

Rate on its own... doesn’t really work right....
It measures the rate of change at the exact moment in the game you’re in, not over time.
This is especially annoying when you want something to be based on the rate you add throttle (which is basically a bunch if infinities between each frame) which results in stuff having a spazzy movement.

An input like ratet(x, t) where x is the input and t is the amount of time the average rate of change is measured over.

This would also make some instruments more realistic and enable interesting flight things like prop torque when it’s accelerating and decelerating etc.

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    No. Smooth is making the speed of a rotator use funky trees. It doesn’t make a reading over time @ChisP

    4.9 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    isnt this what smooth is?

    4.9 years ago
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    I'm surprised it doesn't work, maybe throttle doesn't update every frame
    Probably (and normally) coded like rate = (newValue - oldValue) / Time.deltaTime

    +2 4.9 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    Actually, when I originally suggested calculus, I suggested rate(x, y) where y can be ANYTHING, not just time...

    +2 4.9 years ago
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    16.5k edensk


    4.9 years ago
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    This would be super useful 🙏🙏🙏

    4.9 years ago