I wanted to take good shots but since I am from android and they took out the "FreeCam" I could not. They should put this option on mobile devices. must they remember that we have creators of Android and IOs or do they not listen to them?
I wanted to take good shots but since I am from android and they took out the "FreeCam" I could not. They should put this option on mobile devices. must they remember that we have creators of Android and IOs or do they not listen to them?
(lol I don't even know if that tag works here)
On PC there is a way to move the camera, not just rotate it. This works in the designer and in a paused moment of game play. On mobile, this only works in the designer.
I agree. I’ve always been on mobile, and I plan on staying that way, but we shouldn’t have to miss out on simple, easy to code features just cuz we like to play without a giant pc. They listen to us, but as MrPorg137 said, they don’t do anything about it. I wish the devs cared. I remember having some pretty cool builds that no one noticed because we didn’t have this feature. I guess one day they just stopped caring. @AndrewGarrison
@YourWife as a mobile player for years, how do you build on pc lol
(also i don't have mouse yet)
They listen. They just don't do anything about it.
Bro check out my previous build. That's one of my lasts builds on mobile. I'm now sticking to PC lol. @YourWife
sp on mobile is just miserable idk how yall even build
I think they should overhaul the screenshot mode to have Free cam like the mod it could be easily enabled.
Doesn’t work (iOS) @MTakach
1.use a plug-in keyboard
2. press "K", that will hide the HUD
3. take screen-shots how you would normally take them.
4. voila! good screenshot on android.
And a hide controls and HUD
(obviously I miss it so much)
@TrislandianAlliance it worked well for me
Isn't it kinda buggy, because i remember using it and it does not satisfy my liking
I agree very much even Gandalf agrees