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My Issue with Mobile Friendly Builds

673 Toxicity  4.8 years ago

I Personally don't care if you hate this or your against this. Its your opinion not mine.

Okay first I want to say too all the builders or creators who spend the time to
make insane replicas, builds
You will see why I am mentioning this.

So some of you builders make these insane builds and when I mean insane I'm talking about creations made with over 1000 parts. That's insane. The time to make all the detail.....its phenomenal.

For Example
Recently a SimplePlanes User Named SodiumCloride made a replica of a plane called the A6M8 Zero

This plane from the photo doesnt look like there is a lot of parts
Well this plane has 4,468 parts.

I personally give props to this guy for this. A lot of time dedication was put into this.

But these massive amount of parts are for that aesthetic look.

It makes it feel like a real plane.

But any who continuing on.

There would be no way a mobile device could run this.

So people so called make "Mobile Friendly VersionS" Of it.

Well many people make it a mobile friendly version. Don't say its a mobile friendly version if you drop about a thousand parts from a 2,000 part build, and call it a mobile friendly version. Like I can sometimes understand that it will stay at a 1,000 parts but don't call it a mobile friendly version if it still creates big amounts of lag. Or even crash the game.
Anywho. That's all I wanted to say.... I just get frustrated when there's creations in the mobile friendly tag that has over 1,000 parts.
so don't be going on a PC and make a 1,000 part build and stating its mobile friendly mobile friendly.

Okay That's it I'm good now. I'm just trying to state how I feel with mobile friendly builds. I could care less if you hate me for this or you feel like I'm in the wrong. Like I said before. You have the right to have an opinion. Which I'm stating mine. Goodbye :)

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    Some planes that are mobile are realistic

    1.7 years ago
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    I feel bad for my self I am a mobile player

    3.2 years ago
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    Somehow my IPad can handle high part planes 🤔 It’s also old and doesn’t cook which is also really weird lol.

    4.8 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    then go ahead and make like a 50 part mobile friendly replica like someone whose name I wouldn't mention here.

    4.8 years ago
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    673 Toxicity

    @SodiumChloride i wasnr intentionally bringing you into it i just didnt have a good example

    4.8 years ago
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    673 Toxicity

    @SodiumChloride there wasnt any hate going tords you i just needed an example like someone making a mobile version of it...which i found out you made one. But i appoligize

    4.8 years ago
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    673 Toxicity

    @EternalDarkness i figured that the tag has been forgotten only because in my opinion i feel like when the tag came out the game was only able to handle 500 parts im sure at the time so i understand that

    4.8 years ago
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    673 Toxicity

    @SodiumChloride yea i appoligize i wasnt meaning to put hate on them. i meant like if it is mobile freindly and you made it on a pc you should try it at least on a mobile device. but lol also I hope it was okay that i used your build as an example. i should of probably asked permission. but i do have to say that was a very good build

    4.8 years ago
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    Mobile friendly classification and tag used to mean simply that build has no parts from third party mods and can thus run on iOS. Now, it's quite vague. Some phones can run well over 2000 parts, while some can't even run 300. The original meaning of the tag has been long forgotten.

    +6 4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    Well I usually warn people that my planes are not even keyboard friendly (you need to precisely control your control surfaces) and they complain....

    +2 4.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    lol i have a 15k part thing but im afraid if i upload it ill get lynched or something

    4.8 years ago
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    playing simpleplanes is best on pc, i just use mobile for designing so ‘mobile friendly’ builds are irrelevant to me

    4.8 years ago
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    30 3To1

    This is a perfect example of why a simple planes 2 Should exist. The devs has used simple planes as a good example for simple rockets known use simple rockets as a example for simple planes. If the devs figure out how to render more parts with the new tech coming out like the new iPhone and the new iPad that would be make simple planes the best mobile game in its market. The short story if we get better tech the devs will have more to work with. Yes this is a very long and unnecessary rant.

    4.8 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    I can agree with this, my device can handle about 1500 parts. Even then, getting above 1000 isn’t really worth it. About 2000 parts is when it gets real laggy and unplayable. You may be thinking, that’s a real buff mobile device, but it still irritates me as I know what it’s like to have an awful device (my phone) and for people to just say that it’s mobile friendly without giving it a real test.

    Oh, and I run it on Max Graphics

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    10.3k ManfredaoBR

    @Solarisaircraft my phone and a Galaxy A10 and can run a maximum of 934 parts

    4.8 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    Dude I can run my f-16 on my iPhone7

    4.8 years ago
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    669 Jerba

    Those some iPads are the very latest model, probably. I’m also talking about people who don’t have a good computer (me) or just want to play on mobil.e@ArcturusAerospace

    4.8 years ago
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    You can buy a laptop that could easily run SP better than an iPad, and have mods, for less than some iPads.

    4.8 years ago
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    Even one bad placed spring or rotator can lag out some devices, low physics fix that, but some planes just can't fly on it. All that subjective, so just "low part count" better, than "mobile friendly".

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    4,845 SolarisAir

    Most modern mobile devices, at least from my experience, are able to run well in excess of 1000 parts without problem. Pretty much everything I own made after 2015 is capable of that, and my 2nd generation iPad Pro is able to run close to every build on this site up to 6000 or so parts. The bar for mobile devices is far higher than it used to be, so the rationale for 1000 part or so builds is perfectly valid.

    4.8 years ago
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    Ok so what's the issue? the link is in the build description. @Toxicity

    4.8 years ago
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    673 Toxicity

    @Brields95 yea see that's what a true mobile version would be. he dropped about 95 percent of the parts now that's a definition of mobile freindly

    4.8 years ago
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    There is a link on that post that leads to a mobile friendly version. So, what's the problem? btw I tagged you.

    I personally believe Jundroo should stop supporting mobile altogether.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Mobile Friendly Builds with details and zero drag:
    S t o n k s

    +3 4.8 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    I mean, would you rather have your phone explode from 4000 parts or 2000 parts?

    +1 4.8 years ago
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