31.3k Mostly

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joined 7.8 years ago

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Status: Moved to SR2/JNO)

Hey, everyone. I'm a.... a human that plays simpleplanes. It was the next best option other than war thunder and COD. I love to build prop planes (as you can see below)

I'm just a guy from Georgia with a burning passion for building and flying things. I build stuff in my free time, which, fortunately I have a lot of. I like sports and video games. I especially like track, mainly because my legs cover pretty much 70% of my whole body. Yeah. Now you're thinking what I look like. Anyways, enjoy my builds, and have a great day.

[EDIT]: Free time went byebye. Engineering time.

Proud member of the SPMC.

Discord: Mostly.CM #8743

WT: MostIy