31.3k Mostly Comments

  • LEAVING TIME. 4.5 years ago

    "Hey guys I just needed to announce that my pet swiffer mop named skittles has tragically passed away, I will be taking an 8 hour break from this website... please upvote my post and give me condolences... maybe some head" :(((

  • Where do you stand? 4.1 years ago

    Waiting for the people complaining about moderation to show up.

  • Dear devs, 4.0 years ago

    Can confirm devs currently have pulses and are breathing oxygen.

  • Guys is SPBC Dying??!!!!??!?! 4.2 years ago

    I'm sad to announce that the owner of the SPBC, @Dllama4 Has died of death. Today all ownership will be transferred to me to make sure that SPBC gets at least 6 messages per minute to keep the server alive. Today is a sad day.

  • Can we please stop promoting Discord servers? 3.9 years ago

    Yes. Please shut up about your server and just post the link into your profile. I want to see forum posts of people being creative, not drama posts and not advertisements. It's stifling.

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    The 12 year olds are adopting the tactics of twitter. Now they’re gonna see how much they can get away with.

  • A Final Farewell. 4.2 years ago

    Whah? Go away.

  • Mobile Multiplayer 4.0 years ago

    Hi I downloaded the mod and something went wrong. There are popup ads every time I open simpleplanes. It keeps opening browser windows that say "hot TCV90s in your area" until it overloads my ram. I thought my tablet was immune to viruses? Help

  • Sweet Gal 6.6 years ago

    omg omg no nsfw
    she has boobs

  • A DISCORD FOR THE PEOPLE! 3.7 years ago

    Solved tag is the best part of this post


    Update us on what he gives you for finding the snake!!!!!!!

  • Trans Flag Prop w/ Bendable Flag Post (1:1) 2.9 years ago

    I love transformers!! 💙💗🤍💗💙

  • Guys is SPBC Dying??!!!!??!?! 4.2 years ago

    @rexzion Unfortunately, death has a 100% mortality rate. His condition was terminal.

  • 1990 Toyota Hilux 6.3 years ago

    Time to alahu akbar some convoys

  • Boeing 757 nose 3.2 years ago

    Flashback to 2018 this would've been 300+ parts

  • Why the cri-cri is a better plane than the Rafale 3.7 years ago

    Not to mention the cri-cri’s incredibly horrifying max. armament loading. Coming at around 11,700 kg while the pathetic flying trash can rafale can only carry about 2,500 kg

  • Mobile Multiplayer 4.0 years ago

    @Vincent_ Help 🆘 the 🤘 mod makes 📃 emojis 🎉 every time 🕰️🕕 I 😊 type ⌨️ and I 😀 can't turn it off 📆

  • How i make wings. 4.0 years ago

    @Stinky The best place for you is Twitter, buddy.

  • A message to Blue0Bull. 4.5 years ago

    @Blue0Bull Any defense before we justifiably and reasonably expose your address, name, phone number, social media, attended shcools, IP address, family information, credit card number, bank account number, passport, drivers license and favorite color?

  • VTOL nozzles and engines need a revamp 4.5 years ago

    The entire game needs a revamp but we can't always get what we want.

  • I’m bored 6.6 years ago

    HEY GUYS I'll BE baCK In 5 MinuTES BRB

  • J101 Ver.1.5 “Sleet” 6.7 years ago

    That screenshot resolution is 👌

  • 1/1 Traffic Cone 6.9 years ago

    Time to put it on top of my head.

  • All hope... is lost. 3.1 years ago

    A little riveting here, a little tape there and she'll look good as new

  • B-29 Superfortress Teaser 3.4 years ago

    The transition from pipper to bomb sight made my jaw drop, it's not the most impressive part of this plane but for some reason I found it really cool. lol

  • How i make wings. 4.0 years ago

    Don't care what your toddler ass does but if you waste anyone's time harassing people on the forums then you're beyond apology. Hop off the kindergarten computer and practice counting to ten. You're two steps left from cavemen on the evolutionary scale. Make some actual friends instead of trying to harass people enjoying SP trying to teach something new. The garbage you regurgitate on this website is absolutely stifling. I wouldn't put you in the same room with my worst enemy, scumbag.

  • Unpopular Opinion: I don’t see a need to make an SP2 4.2 years ago

    Simple planes is already perfected


  • Teaser - 4 Year Anniversary Build 4.7 years ago

    This garbage took you 4 years??/ Absolute shame. I should be compensated for looking at this forum post.

  • Craft Generator Script 7.0 years ago

    Now we can all build like SledDriver!

  • Small update to the site rules 3.4 years ago

    This was a long time coming (and definitely should've happened sooner) but at the same time it's upsetting people did this often enough for it to become a rule to begin with.

  • Announcing the FlightCheck Alliance! 3.6 years ago

    @WiiMini If my memory is correct SPSC staff started a server raid on a much smaller server over some petty business with mr.earth. You also tried to raid SPBC with a bunch of your friends, and only got stopped because of account verification - Which you admitted to in your own server. I can't say the same for SPBC moderators.

  • 5 years of Dllama4 supremacy 3.7 years ago

    Reported for raceist !

  • A post regarding the furry community (not just hating) 3.9 years ago

    Why are you here on simpleplanes forums - a game about planes - to talk about furries

  • Kenneth for Jundroo Developer Vote. 4.2 years ago

    I have to agree with XJ4B, and none of it is personal. Being able to make something good for the game doesn't immediately make you a game developer. That's like asking if Bogdan can become a dev so his builds can replace all the bot controlled planes by default. That doesn't make sense at all.

  • LEAVING TIME. 4.5 years ago

    @NumbersNumbersTheMan No... nothing can replace skittles... He was the best damn swiffer mop the world ever had... and it ended too soon. This says a lot about society.

  • Let's make this the most upvoted cokpit in the history of SimplePlanes 6.9 years ago

    Asking for upvotes is not allowed on the site

  • Why do people like drama on SP? 4.3 years ago

    The people who enjoy the drama don't contribute to it, we just sit back with the popcorn and watch it unfold. The people actually involved are too tangled up in their feelings to use their common sense, which doubles the entertainment.

  • Alright i have to admit, i wasnt a volunteer firefighter the whole time.... Well i just threw my PC out the window :( 4.5 years ago

    We knew for a while, you didn't make yourself look convincing in the first place.

  • Guess who is gonna work with Lockheed Martin! 4.5 years ago

    lol yes and i'm sure the people at Lockheed would be happy to know their new employee was disclosing information about building a VTOL engine... But Lockheed doesn't even build engines.

  • Gonna be less active 4.5 years ago

    People really be askin to be tagged on leaving posts

  • HOW TO AVOID UPVOTES 4.6 years ago

    Why DO i hAve 70 DownLoads BuT noT 70 UPVoTES!!?/

  • The New Republic of SimpleLandia 6.6 years ago

    The problem wasn't you 'taking a vacation', it was how you and others irresponsibly took care of the servers and how poorly you enforced the rules. If you guys want to lead such a big roleplay server at least care about it.

  • The General Lee | 1969 Dodge Charger 7.0 years ago

    This will grant me infinite bridge stunts

  • GAMF-02A Camille 7.1 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot @MI ahem, Where do I start, so what if there are boob physics, heck, people drew women naked for generalized art, and you're offended of what? Something that has way more effort than you have ever put in on any of your builds? You guys are so offended and over-censored you can't find even the sympathy to appreciate the effort and skill needed to make this.

  • Bruh Ren Got bann`d because he made a shiddy rant 2.6 years ago

    They're the victims, unjustifiably and unreasonably banned all 14 times. Literally 1984.

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    "As someone who has played the beta....-"

  • I'm Back! Remember Me? 3.9 years ago

    The guy who was always complaining about how his planes were underrated?

    Right, let me get the list

  • Idea- Friends 3.9 years ago

    No. The last thing this website needs is to be more like social media.

  • Lovesick 4.0 years ago

    What in the fresh hell did I just read

  • I am mad 4.5 years ago

    Average point hunting user
    Average build downloading enjoyer
