Remember me? The guy who was always complaining about how his planes were underrated? Yes!
So I haven't been playing SimplePlanes in like 5 months and I honestly felt a small sense of emptiness, and for the past month had a strong craving to open up desktop and double smack that plane icon. So, after a LONG time, I am back!!1111!1111!11!!
Pleeeeease tell me in the comments what has happened in the past few months. An up-and-coming creator going viral? Another German Corsair? DID WIIMINI GET BANNED FOR THE 10000000TH TIME?
Thank you! I will try to upload again, and I am thinking of editing and uploading SP videos! Thank you, bye!
@KnightOfRen 💀lol i stopped for a bit but i might open sp up again soon
Yo buddy, still alive?
@Souka ok
i dont even know who you are
@rexzion meanie poooooooooooooo jk
@WarHawk95 yes, dont
@KnightOfRen I mean that's a fact
@WarHawk95 [Softly] Don't
@Tookan got lucky in that it wasn't successful this time
Oh yeah, I lost your Refueling Tanker challenge :)
hi Back!, I'm Miko
i finally fixed your eurofighter
jk lel
Pretty good!
@KnightOfRen grrrrrrrrrrreat! how ya been doing?
@Noname918181 hello noname
@Dathcha @Mostly lol
e @Noname918181
Hi back, im noname
“The guy who always complained About how his lanes were underrated.” Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
@Firefast212 Hello! Its been a while. How ya been?
YAYYYYYYY YOURE BACK :)))))))))))))))))))))))
Yes, another German Corsair, called the German Mustang
no not really.
congratulations, you are one of a thousand.