Our ideas for sp get ignored by the devs. They don’t care. My friend emailed Andrew Garrison last week with an idea, he told him they ignore suggestions sent by email and instead to make a post on it on jundroo user voice, they apparently check it all the time. Obviously they don’t, cuz his suggestion was the #1 most voted for it on user voice. They want us to dump all of our ideas in a pit, so that we think they care and so the people who made the ideas shut up about them. Even the mods know it’s true, and even they get no say in updates. Sure, you might say “they have lives and stuff to do too, plus making games takes a while”, but that’s not the case. They’re on almost all day on SimpleRockets.com, and can easily check user voice, or at least log on to this website, but they don’t. Tournaments would at least be nice, then I wouldn’t give up all hope. But they’ve stopped those too. They used to care, but not any more. They used to be some of the most active, engaged devs on any game’s forum. But now the don’t care. I wish they did. But that ship has sailed. We need to do something about this. We can’t let a great community die. I’m not saying they’re bad people, or they don’t like us, just that they care about sr2 way more. We need them to at least partially come back. When you make a game, you don’t simply throw it out the window for the next game you make.
Please, read this
They are focusing on SR2
@BuiltBionixInd10 Read this
@AndrewGarrison @Bob9998 @randomusername Read this
@Othawne @SnoWFLakE0s @Minecraftpoweer Read this
@EliteArsenals24 @BMilan @Noname918181 Read this
We are talking about a small dev team of 5 people. They recently just released their newest game (SR2) while also provided several updates for another game (SP). Meanwhile, they have their own life and families they need to take care of, also COVID is around which makes stuff harder for all of us. I really can't blame them if they don't read or reply to every little suggestion that pops up (cuz there's probably a lot). They are currently focusing more on SR2 and it's understandable, it's their newest game. We still got quite a few updates for SP in the meantime, so don't get greedy, they do their best to provide for the fans of both games but they are still just 5 guys, not a huge dev team (game development isn't something that can be done by a snap)
I'm sure the number 1 upvoted user voice is the multiplayer, and there's a reason they won't release multiplayer as an in-game feature. One being lag, especially for mobile. Do you think it's funplaying on a server with 3 or 4 FPS?
@AndrewGarrison hey Andrew I have an idea if you make simpleplanes 2
Make it so it uses this website as well so we don’t need a new account and you can see simpleplanes 1 and 2 vehicles who agrees
What source do you have? How do you know whether they spend "24/7" on SimplePlanes.com or not? This post is stupid and i fear that you are as well.
This post is wrong in every way possible. You clearly haven't spent enough time here.
@JustDatGuy they do make tournaments, and even if they're not every month how does that matter? Its unrelated to the discussion. And why do you feel so entitled and put so many expectations on them? They're very active with the community, they are real people and they have their own lives. And then they have different games to work on. They're not a huge company...
Oof, he replied
@AndrewGarrison Sorry to tag you but I’m curious what do you do about advertisements if you decide to make simpleplanes 2. YouTube? TV? When you get a chance let me know, thanks.
@SgtRXMT Lol
@AndrewGarrison I understand that, but how do you explain that entire user voice thing? I’m not trying to be rude or anything just trying to bring sp back to what it was. When we got updates.
We do care. When we are planning an update we do look at the suggestions to find those that are highly upvoted and that we could accomplish in a reasonable amount of time. We will also look at those suggestions if/when we decide to start working on SimplePlanes 2. As other players have pointed out we are currently focused on SR2 since we have promises laid out in the Early Access plan that we need to finish before we can fully release it on Steam. That, combined with COVID, we've been very short on dev time for SimplePlanes. I'm sorry you feel that way, but we are doing the best we can.
@Minecraftpoweer So? They can at least do tournaments or something to show us they care.
You can tell from the declined/accepted responses from devs on user voice that they dont check it anymore
Also a user voice suggestion is not a guarantee that your suggestion will make it in to the game.
maybe because they don't want they inboxes filled with unrealistic suggestions constantly
@BuiltBionixInd10 But can they at least check user voice once a month, and log on here once in a while?
@JustDatGuy they have things to do
@BuiltBionixInd10 @randomusername Yeah, but they’re on pretty much 24/7 on SimpleRockets.com