60.6k BMilan
Player Biography
Status: active
An important note: I don't mind if you use my builds or parts of them, even if you don't ask for permission beforehand, but please make sure to give credit for my work in your post, that's the fair and right thing to do.
click here for BM Builds: a post where you can easily browse all my builds.
click here for BM Updates: a post where you check the progress of my current projects as well as all my future plans
BM Requests: a post where you can request builds from me. Currently closed.
click here for BM Scrapyard: a post where you can browse my scrapped, unfinished and abandoned projects
click on these pictures to be redirected
Hello there! I'm Milán and here are a few things about me:
- I'm a 25 years old guy
- I'm from Hungary 🇭🇺 🇪🇺 🇺🇳
- I work as a Software Testing Engineer. 💻
- My favourite games: Simpleplanes, War Thunder, Half-Life series, Company of Heroes series, Battlefield series, Call of Duty World at War, World of Warships, Dead Space 🎮
- I like photoshopping 📷 and drawing
- I love making scale models (especially ships)
- My favourite movies/series are: Titanic, Inglourious Basterds, The Dictator (2012), The Shawshank Redemption, Fury, Saving Private Ryan, Dunkirk, Greyhound, Brooklyn 99, Band of Brothers 🎬
Member of the SimplePlanes Masters group
- Admiral on the Port SP Discord Server (Click to Join)
(Does anyone read this? Comment "IRYBD25" to any of my posts if you did)
Current projects
HMS Royal Oak (08) 35%
HMS Queen Elizabeth (1913) 25%
SS Princess of Buda (fictional) 70%
H-39 Hutten 13%
I bought the game on the 12th of November, 2017.
I build pretty much everything (planes, tanks, ships, submarines, helicopters, mini-games etc.) and I usually aim to build stuff that are rare and uncommon on the site, but sometimes I make replicas that were already built by others but I just want to build them myself.
I only work on Windows so there's a chance not all of my creations will be mobile compatible, sorry for that, I can't do anything about it.
Enjoy your stay here and I hope you'll find at least one of my builds that you'll like.
My Discord ID: BMilan#3634
or bmilan