60.6k BMilan Comments

  • Is There Female Players?? 3.4 years ago

    Rule 30 of the Internet: "There are no girls on the Internet."

  • Reminder guys… 9 months ago

    I respectfully disagree. Giving credit is very important not just for courtesy reasons, but because given that Andrew himself explained in a comment that we own our creations, not giving credit essentially counts as plagiarism.
    Also note that the rules specifically state that one should give credit to the original author of a creation (it's at the end of the "Tweaking is okay" section), the auto-credit system exists for this very reason, and while unfortunately, it can be (and often is) circumvented, that doesn't mean you shouldn't give credit.

    I'm not saying people shouldn't use others' work at all, the rules themselves state that tweaking builds is okay, and as you said, they are a great learning opportunity as well as improving on someone else's work can make it even better... but is it really that hard to write "Credit to xy for the original plane" in the description? does it really take that much effort?

  • Regarding Mass Tagging 4.5 years ago

    My idea: the Tag Button
    Basically, there'd be a button next to the follow button on every forum/video post, which you can press/activate. Doing so will send you a notification when that user uploads a new public build upload but only once and no more (after the user whose tag button you pressed uploads something, the tag button would go back to inactive and pressing/activating it again would restart the whole thing and again send you a notification if that user uploads again)
    How it would work in practice:
    User 1: uploads a teaser forum post for a build
    User 2: presses the tag button on this post (when visiting other posts created by User 1, User 2 would see the tag button be activated as well. It can be activated/inactivated on any of User 1's posts)
    User 1: uploads another teaser (maybe a video post this time)
    User 2: doesn't get a notification because it's not a public build post
    User 1: uploads the teased build as unlisted
    User 2: still doesn't get a notification because the post is not public
    User 1: publishes the build (alternatively, if he/she uploads it as public in the first place instead of the unlisted+publish combo, User 2 would get the notification immediately)
    User 2: finally gets a notification about the post. His tag buttons on User 1's posts go back to inactive
    User 1: uploads another public build post
    User 2: doesn't get another notification because he/she didn't reactivate the tag button on any of User 1's posts

    I know it sounds kind of confusing but I hope it's understandable enough and I think it would work. Basically it's just a one time Follow button that only notifies when the next build is uploaded after it was pressed and then needs to be pressed again.
    I think this could be an effective way to improve the website and to counter mass tagging.

  • He’s gone 4.6 years ago

    I can never understand why people decide to delete their profiles. Like, ok you wanna leave this community but come on, these profiles have dozens or hundreds of awesome builds that will be lost forever (unless some other users have them all saved down but I doubt that every single build that was ever lost would be saved).
    Why can't people just announce they are leaving and then just leave, never come back to the site, but dont delete their profiles. Now new players won't be able to play around with those cool builds.
    It's as if a painter would decide to burn all his paintings before he dies.. all that work lost
    Also RIP Bogdan, he really was a great builder. (Btw could someone tell me why did he leave?)

  • Maus 5.5 years ago

    (only WT players will understand)

  • Is that desert island on mobile~? 24 days ago

    Maywar (the desert island) is not available on the mobile version.
    As for the text, "Ye have made a grave mistake" appears when you start flying to the west of Wright. There is a very fast pirate sail ship there (the text appears when you get in range of it) that will aggressively fire homing missiles at you until you sink it

  • PEA is the new brainrot 7 months ago

    The problem with PEA is that most players seem to misunderstand the meaning of it:
    low part count =/= efficiency.

    Most users seem to think that just building a simple plane with like 50 parts counts as efficiency and the mindlessly brand it as "PEA". Efficiency is when you come up with a solution that creates the same or almost the same result but with fewer parts than before. To give you a simple example: using a fuselage cone to make the plane's nose instead of using half a dozen fuselage segments for it, that's efficiency. Another example would be to let's say, using label images to make the roundel on the fuselage, instead of building it, that's efficiency. Or let's say I use fuselage slicing to build the railings on my ship on both sides at one, that's efficiency. I could list more examples but you get the idea. Now what many players are uploading as "PEA", are sometimes the exact opposite of this. I've seen some that are very wasteful with parts, use no creative solutions at all and are just simply low detail. That's not efficiency, that's just a low part plane. And that's the problem with PEA, that half the users are just using it as an excuse for low detail (and sometimes low effort) planes, acting like as if they did it in the name of efficiency. That being said, I'm not saying all PEA is like this, there are many PEA builds that are actually efficient and use genius solutions. What I'm saying is that a huge percentage of the PEA builds are what I described previously.

  • [Cancelled] Same Name, Different Type Challenge 9 months ago

    @Apollo018362 His main account was banned and by posting on this alt account he violated the rule about ban evasion, so the mods banned this account as well

  • Arm tracking test 3.2 years ago

    Can't wait for VR Mecha Suits

  • Secret in SimplePlanes xml files (storage) 3.5 years ago

    This is probably the color theme that game uses when it creates the orthographic images for the uploads. Very interesting find.

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 3.6 years ago

    "...We're also working on a big update for the original SimplePlanes..."
    And like that, you got me hyped as hell! Can't wait for it!
    As for the VR part... does anyone have a spare few hundred dollars for me to buy a VR headset?

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.0 years ago

    Well, this update is awesome, I love it! but there's one "problem" I have. In the earlier version, if you set the chordScale of the propeller engine high enough (with xml editing or with the Overload mod) you could achive that the propeller would still work even if it gets a few feet underwater (depending on how high you set chordScale it can work deeper, tho the look of the propellers start to get very weird)
    Pretty much all my ships and submarines use this. Now none of them work because no matter how high I set chord scale, the propeller doesn't work.
    Can you fix that? (I'm not sending this as a bug repoert because it's not really a bug but it'd be great if you could fix it :D)

    I just tested my UH-1 Huey and the propeller acts very weird: The propeller itself is scaled 0.4. In 1.7 the propeller's diameter ignored this scaling and followed the diameter lenght which I set it in xml editing. Now it follows the 0.4 scaling and I have to set the diameter to much bigger to achive the same in-game lenght. Also (probably due to the 0.4 scaling) The propeller's cone is levitating above the base
    I think this might be the reason why the propellers of my ships and submarines act very weird (their diameter becomes much longer in the game than in the designer)
    To sum it up: For some reason, xml edited propellers look much different in-game than in the designer.
    Edit 2:
    Damn, this is just the beta of 1.8 but I already miss the old Beast 😅. Is there a way to add her to sail somewhere else? Like idk sail somewhere around Maywar or Snowstone? I love the new Beast becaise it looks absolutely fantastic and those new features are awesome but it'd be great if the old Beast would be presented in the game too. 😃


  • what happened to mediocreplanes? 14 days ago

    He probably simply moved on with his life. But his account doesn't appear as a moderator for me, he has the point counter next to his name like any other normal user. He does have "moderator" written in his bio but it's probably because he hasn't logged on in years so he forgot to remove it.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Ability to get individual information (like altitude, heading etc.) of other parts, not just the cockpit, to be used in FT. example: Altitude(string partID), so let's say if I want to make an input based on the altitude of the part with the id of 8, I can use Altitude("8") as a parameter.

  • Planecopter 4.6 years ago

    Congrats for platinum!

  • Nazi Germany Battle Flag - Reichskriegsflagge 6.6 years ago

    @FarrowTECH They also built the first highway ever, started the first anti-cigarette campaign ever, built the ballistic rocket to reach the stratosphere (the lead scinentist in this project went to the US after the war helped a lot in getting to the moon), created one of the first jet powered aircrafts, two brothers Adolf Dassler and Rudolf Dassler founded the today world famous sportwear companies Adidas and Puma, the Volkswagen Beetle was the nazis' idea too and as @Awsomur said about style, Hugo Boss designed the SS uniforms too.
    Their ideologies were terribly cruel but they invented a hell lot of great stuff too.. which doesn't mean they should be forgiven for causing the death of 60 million people (before any oversensitive person would misunderstand me and start hating on me and making up that I'm "defending nazism". I'm not) but still we can thank them a few things too.

  • Lads, I hate to bring the sad news. 14 days ago

    @NTH If you really think that "he tried to abide the rules", then you are very wrong and don't know the truth. WCAC is a notorious rule violator and that's why many of his previous accounts have been banned in the past: he very often steals parts (or in some cases, he stole entire builds) from other users, he did the "if you upvote my posts I upvote yours" thing (which is forbidden by the rules), he did self upvoting with his alt accounts, he used misleading thumbnails (where he covered the entire thumbnail with added images so the build itself was not visible), he made alt accounts to evade bans and blocks, and now his latest rule violation was adding sexually suggestive content on his thumbnails. the moderators warned him several times to not add these suggestive artworks and despite those warnings, he continued to do so anyways because for some reason, he thinks the rules don't apply to him. He has no respect for the website rules or the community, so his ban was very well deserved. His current ban is only two weeks long tho, not permanent

  • This Scene Was Looks Familiar, Don't Ya? 3.0 years ago

    I don't get it, what's up with the broken glasses and the blood inside the box?

  • All hope... is lost. 3.0 years ago

    @WarHawk95 iirc, they expressed their wish to restore it, tho they said they will do it at Russia's expense, which I doubt the Russians will agree to pay, but let's wait and see how the war turns out first. If the Russians refuse to pay (which I see a high chance to happen) I can still see a chance for a crowd funding option. I'm pretty sure there are many, many airplane enthusiasts around the world who would be willing to pay some amount for this historic aircraft to be restored. Even if just a fraction of the cost is financed this way, that would still help and the rest could be paid by the Antonov company with some governmental support, and maybe with some other international help. But I may be a bit too optimistic. Still, I don't think all hope is lost, as they say "Hope dies last"

  • All hope... is lost. 3.0 years ago

    The wings and the rear end seem to be in a repairable condition (maybe the engines too). Combined with the second, unfinished airframe, I see a chance for it to be rebuilt, so maybe not all hope is lost

  • Somebody explain this... 4.0 years ago

    I know that RocketWeapon has this attribute called "burnTimer" (integer, seconds) which sets for how long the rocket has thrust, after the timer runs out, the rocket will just fall (the smoke and afterburner effect remains). (If you check out my Sturmtiger, it uses this feature to make the mortar effect)
    It seems by your video, that missiles probably also have this attribute, even tho not controllable by xml editing (I tested it, doesn't work).
    But, they have an attribute called "maxFuelTime" (integer, seconds) which is pretty much the same but with one difference: when maxFuelTime runs out, the smoke and afterburner effect also stops.
    That's all I know about this, I hope it helps

  • The Combine Gunship 5.5 years ago

    I'm a simple man. I see Half-Life. I press like and then cause a resonance cascade
    Awesome job m8!

  • We are being invaded! 8 months ago

    @Kerbango It happens.🗿

  • Ragdoll Pilot Woman 1.4 years ago

    Are we just going to ignore the fact that there are 6 thumbnails on this post?

  • This Scene Was Looks Familiar, Don't Ya? 3.0 years ago

    @Kthepersonorguy I finally found the sauce, thanks to another post made by WolfHunter9111. Both this build and another build made by him are depicting a weird, disturbing hentai manga called "Metamorphosis" (also called "Emergence"). Mystery solved, case closed

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.6 years ago

    Will the slicing only be visual or will it also apply to the collisions of the fuselage? (eg if I slice a hole on top of a hollow fuselage and drop another part on it, will it fall into it or will it just stop on top of it as if the fuselage was still a whole piece?
    Also speaking of collisions, can you make the customizable fuselages' collisinions match their customized edges? (eg if they have circular edges, they can roll away and not act like they still have hard egdes)

  • Mrsilverwolf and crazyplaness on YouTube 25 days ago

    @LunarEclipseSP Even if he does, the devs/mods seems to have found a way to ban him for an extended period of time now (I mean, he wasnt seen here for weeks). If he tries to return again, they will probably use this solution again and get him removed for a long time once more.
    Also, if you think about it, the whole reason he is now doing this thing on youtube is probably because he couldn't find a way to return to the website, so I don't think there is anything to fear. But even if he somehow does return, we just gotta report him and not give him any of the attention that he so desperately craves

  • VK 45.01 Tiger (P) 5 months ago

    @WritersCrusadersAirCo2 well you didn't replace everything: the driver's vision port is still from LD's Tiger tank. Normally I'd have reported this to moderators already, but to show you I'm trying to help you with your "redemption", I'm simply notifying you about this so you can fix your mistake. But I'd like to remind you to our conversation we had in the comment section of your previous alt: if you truly want to redeem yourself in the eyes of the community, your track record must be spotless, otherwise, people will not believe you truly changed. (and that means not just not stealing, but also not doing any other rule violations either. Yes, I did notice you renamed your WCACWasteland account and then used it upvote yourself, that's not cool man). Yes, it's tough, but that's just how it is: losing trust is easy, getting it back is a thousand times harder. So do your best, good luck!

  • Ad Bots?! 8 months ago

    @Pakkoyan They target forums because the poster then cant delete them (which is why I wish that Jundroo allowed posters to delete comments on their forum posts as well, not just on airplane posts, so we could clean up all our own posts), so we have to wait for the moderators to delete them which gives them more time to spread their harmful stuff (as moderators are sometimes slow to react to reports because it might be at a time when all 5 of them are busy)

    needless to say but I will write it out just in case: Do not, under and circumstance, click on any of these links as they can likely include a malware that can infect your device

  • Is there any other way to let an electric car run without fuel? 9 months ago

    Make a custom wheel and attach it on a rotator with and FT input (dont use the "very large range" thing, it's not a good solution, very obsolete and you essentially can't control it)
    The FT input can be as simple as `sum(Throttle)' (you can replace throttle with any input like Pitch or VTOL or something) but it can be made even more complex to add things like gear shifting and such, tho I'm not familiar with making those, but the sum(input) FT code should be good for a start.
    This will allow you to fine tune it a lot btw, by changing it like sum(Throttle*2) you can double the performance, or sum(Throttle/2) will halve it, you get the idea

  • AV-98 INGRAM 3.6 years ago

    Glad to see you back!
    The best FT and walker builder on the site!
    Another amazing build!

  • s e a t 4.7 years ago

    Nobody is gonna ask the real question here? What is the most important block in the universe???

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 5.5 years ago

    I wonder if there will ever be a time when this thing gets thrown off of its most upvoted throne

  • Does anyone know how to update with screen shots with no mod? one month ago

    First, take a screenshot, then you have to load up that screenshot as a blueprint, using the game's built in blueprint function, make sure to move it away from the aircraft so it's not obstructed by it, then make sure to stay in the blueprint view (dont rotate the camera or it will disappear) and then press the Share button. then all you have to do is take a screenshot of the loaded up screenshot, I hope this helps :)

  • Normandy 4 months ago

    @natemomog there is no use, look at all the people who have been asking for an update for about a year now. MisterT probably turned off notifications and just doesn't give a damn about it. It would be great if he at least made a pinned to comment to explain why he won't update it (I'd even be okay with it if he said that he just doesn't want to bother with it or if there is some technical limitation, just say something, anything) but nope, not even that.

  • How does one get their Bio removed? 5 months ago

    @TheMouse funfact: the descriptions of aircrafts posts and mod posts are secret forum posts too

  • What's is Flyout, should I be worried? 6 months ago

    I bought FO on day one. it has some pretty good stuff (for example the fuselage edges are infinitely customizable which I really liked and I hope Jundroo will come up with something similar in SP2) but it takes different approaches in other aspects so I think the two games can perfectly coexist, no need to be afraid that the community will die or something (especially with SP2 on the horizon which will probably give the community a big wave of new players as well as make some old ones return).

  • On New Players 9 months ago

    Short novel warning:
    I completely agree. I don't mean to sound like an elitist, but in my opinion, getting upvotes is something that should be earned and needed to work for, not getting it for granted just because one is a new player. Most users will not be encouraged to make better builds if any low effort build they make will recieve upvotes regardles of their quality (Of course, there are a few users, myself included, who do build for the sake of building and not for the sake of points, but recently it seems they are fewer and fewer, and there are more people who just do it for the points, and these mass upvotings aren't making the situation any better)
    And don't get me wrong, I'm all about supporting new players, but within reasonable limits. Does a new player show great talent and potential to be great builder? Support them! Does a player just upload low effort repaints, tutorial planes or any other stuff that can be thrown together in a few minutes? Then you probably shouldn't upvote/spotlight and instead, kindly let them know that they should practice their skills a bit more or maybe even point out where they could have improved their builds.

    That being said, everyone has the right to enjoy the game and use the website in whatever way they want it, as long as they don't violate any rules. But maybe, as a community we should be focusing on bringing out the best from everyone, rather than handing out participation awards. Again, that's just my opinion.

  • SP's Worst Builder, Right In Front Of You, I'm Sorry. 3.8 years ago

    You are being too harsh on yourself. This is a game, nobody expects you to always make spectacular builds, no matter what rank you are at (and if someone does, ignore them, they are dumb). In fact, I recently helped a beginner builder to build a very simple ship, and guess what? I really enjoyed it. I'd recommend you to give it a try. It feels good to sometimes just build something beginner, something simple (the game's name is simpleplanes after all), and get away from all the high quality stuff.
    Don't get sweaty over release dates or build quality, you are not obligated to keep uploading every two weeks, and nobody forces you to do so. I haven't uploaded anything in months either.
    Just take it easy dude :)
    You are a great builder, and your builds are awesome, but you shouldn't push yourself to keep building new stuff if you don't feel like it. Take a break, building something simple, don't burn out. It's a game, it should be about having fun and enjoying it, don't turn it into a full time job. ;)
    Take care!

  • I’m leaving (haha April fools) 3.9 years ago

    I'm about 70% sure this is just an april fools joke but just in case it isn't:
    Why would you delete your account? You have so many great builds uploaded which new players and those who dont know about you yet, will never be able to use. You know, you can just sign out, close the tab on your browser and never come back, it gives the same effect, but at least players can still have fun with your builds. But if you delete your acc, all that work, all those long hours you spent building will be gone to waste.
    It's like as if a painter burns all their paintings before dying. Other people then won't be able to enjoy them.
    If you honestly want to delete your account and it's not just a joke, please think about this for a second.
    Also it's a shame if you really want to leave: I know dramas and toxic players can be really annoying, but it's possible to ignore them and just focus on the better parts of the game and the community: I think it's worth a try because the community (just like all communities) definietly has a good side too, you just have to find it, while ignoring the toxic part.
    If you still want to leave, well, I wish you the best of luck for whatever you do in the future and wish you a good time!

  • Lads, I hate to bring the sad news. 14 days ago

    @NTH I wrote it in the previous comment: he was banned for repatedly posting sexualy suggestive images on the thumbnails and descriptions of his posts. He received one strike after the first, then he tried it again, he received a second strike, and then he tried it a third time, and that's when the moderators decided to ban him.
    As for his previous accounts, those were banned for build stealing. He had dozens of builds that used stolen parts from other users, and he often refused to add credit even after he was called out about it (he once even entered a challenge with a completely stolen build and when I called him out about it, he deleted my comments and blocked me)

  • Mrsilverwolf and crazyplaness on YouTube 25 days ago

    Well, looks like I was wrong, he is back with a new alt. report sent

  • Mrsilverwolf and crazyplaness on YouTube 25 days ago

    @GhostMach it's that guy from a few weeks ago who was posting about politics (which is clearly forbidden by the rules). After his posts and comments got removed, he started a personal vendetta against the mod team because, for some reason, he thinks that the moderators are somehow "hypocrites" ("hippos" as he calls them) for enforcing the very clearly written rules of the website. He then proceeded to make a million alt accounts and spam hateful comments against the mods and devs until he was finally banned for good, and looks like he is now trying to continue his vendetta on youtube

  • Cheat Menu 2 months ago

    Brilliant mod! One note tho: is there a way to add an option to replace F12 with any chosen button? F12 is the default button for steam screenshots so it's kind of annoying that it keeps making screenshots when I open or close the panel (and I'd rather replace the mod's button than the screenshot's button since Im already used to the latter)

  • Very good planes that i made = few upvotes?? 2 months ago

    The others already said the gist of it but I want to further reinforce it: upvotes (and the points that come with them) don't matter, they are not correlated with the quality of a build or the builder's skill. A literal block can get dozens if not hundreds of upvotes, while a masterfully crafted plane with every small detail meticulously placed can max out at 5. So I suggest you shouldn't care too much about upvotes or points, just keep building and sharing your creations if you enjoy it. If you ask me, just 10 comments praising one's build is worth far more than even a 100 upvotes.

  • VK 45.01 Tiger (P) 5 months ago

    @WritersCrusadersAirCo2 you don't have to repost it, just put some credit in the description, that sounds easier to me. The problem was never the fact that you used other people's work (I did it myself in the past too), just put their names in the description and it's all good

  • Is creating more than one account allowed? 7 months ago

    FlatterGuy explained most of it, the only thing I'd add is that alt accounts also can't be used to evade bans (for example if your main account gets banned for some reason, then you aren't allowed to use your alt account either, otherwise if the mods find out, they will ban the alt as well and make the original ban time longer)

  • Pre-dreadnought Challenge Winners 8 months ago



  • What happened to shinygemsbros? 9 months ago

    @Majakalona That comment was a joke btw, and Inuyasha already clarified this to you before, so no, it's not the reason why SGB was banned, please don't spread misinformation. He deleted that comment because the joke flew right over your head
    (also why do you keep misspelling his name?)

  • Tugboat Sisyphus (fictional) 2.3 years ago

    @000007 The name is not even 'susyphus', it's 'sisyphus', jeez, very forced "joke". I named the boat after a Greek mythological figure who was punished by Hades to push a boulder up a hill for all eternity. I figured it'd be fitting for a tugboat whose job is to push ships around in a port all day long.
    You should let this sus meme go, it is waaay overused and boring, not to mention that you really had to force it in this case
