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Reminder guys…

58.5k Mal0ne  6 months ago

I see a lot of people complain and frankly being very childish about the use of other players work in peoples builds.

While credit is something nice to give, it’s not required - and builds can make total use of other players work as long as it’s within a threshold of not being a direct copy.

I think a lot can be learned by building off other players work, and I myself do so extensively. I think the defensiveness around this is damaging, considering it can elevate the quality of builds and the skill of the author dramatically.

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    58.5k Mal0ne

    Note: I’ve just seen this a few times, it’s likely not close to being a big issue.

    Pinned 6 months ago
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    one month ago
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    60 Ab20244

    @SomeAircraftGuy yes

    5 months ago
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    @Ab20244 does that even exist bro

    5 months ago
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    60 Ab20244

    Can you make twa 737 pls 🙏

    6 months ago
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    Hello there,can you try make A Boeing 367 or a Boeing 720 pan am?it would be nice if you can!

    6 months ago
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    Can you make a Boeing 377? I haven’t seen many and it is one of my favorite planes

    6 months ago
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    We have all learned by observing how others build. However, if you lack the skill to make something yourself even after observing how someone else did it, and you decide to use another person's work to enhance your own, you have to give credit.
    While there is no profit to be made here, and nobody is going to sue anybody over a stolen subassembly, it is customary to at least credit the owner of the intellectual property you are using.
    Back when I was a moderator, I have removed countless builds over a failure to give credit, so you may as well consider it a law in this community.

    +5 6 months ago
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    @BMilan "Gramercy!"

    6 months ago
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    Remember WritersCrusaders?

    6 months ago
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    12.5k Eggplant

    Agree with the childish behavior part, but I would still give credit. Follow the same standards as you would in academia: if something isn't your own, give it proper attribution. Just a little statement in the post for each component borrowed.

    +2 6 months ago
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    34.8k Dissent3R

    for me, it depends, if I see a user take my V.stab or engines without credit I'd be okay but not the whole damn plane lol

    +1 6 months ago
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    18.0k cyon

    @BMilan Even so, the user posting a modified aircraft from the original must include what they modify in the description, even the smallest details need to be showed

    +1 6 months ago
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    58.3k BMilan

    I respectfully disagree. Giving credit is very important not just for courtesy reasons, but because given that Andrew himself explained in a comment that we own our creations, not giving credit essentially counts as plagiarism.
    Also note that the rules specifically state that one should give credit to the original author of a creation (it's at the end of the "Tweaking is okay" section), the auto-credit system exists for this very reason, and while unfortunately, it can be (and often is) circumvented, that doesn't mean you shouldn't give credit.

    I'm not saying people shouldn't use others' work at all, the rules themselves state that tweaking builds is okay, and as you said, they are a great learning opportunity as well as improving on someone else's work can make it even better... but is it really that hard to write "Credit to xy for the original plane" in the description? does it really take that much effort?

    +24 6 months ago
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    22.2k LM0418

    @Alternation Exactly, I hate when users always claim they “worked on it for 5 years” when they really just reuploaded a build

    +9 6 months ago
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    18.0k cyon

    If the user gives credit, i dont mind
    Its when the user claims its their own build is what's an issue

    +6 6 months ago