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SP's Worst Builder, Right In Front Of You, I'm Sorry.

37.5k Ruvie  3.8 years ago

I'm Sorry

Good evening, dear readers. I just wanna make an apology about what has been happening to me lately, especially about my builds, and my reduced activity here. I know this was abrupt and unexpected, but I'm trying to be as serious as I can, just to be able to type this message. I'm sorry.
A lot has happened on the site since I joined the community a little more than a year ago. There were a lot of important events that help change and shape sp as we know it today. The first thing I dreamed of when I joined is to become at least a good builder. During my time here, I've seen a lot of people raise the bar of quality, and I've also seen some players who did the exact opposite of that(I'm probably one of the latter mentioned). But over time, I started to realize that my aspiration when I first joined was starting to become unreachable. I started to realize that I could never be a good builder, not even close. I'm already starting to doubt my ability. Especially when I reached Platinum, I started to think that maybe I don't really deserve this at all. So I am really sorry for the disappointment I caused to all of you here. I'm sorry my works aren't good enough to meet your expectations, especially for a Platinum-ranked user. Being at this rank is probably taking a toll on me since I constantly have to increase my standards to meet the expectations. It's just becoming harder and harder since I have to keep up with a lot of other players. The pressure is getting heavier over time, I can hardly cope up with things now.
Also, there's a build that I'm struggling to finish because of these problems. A few days ago I started working on a replica just to keep my mind working and also to have something to play with alongside the MIG-21 I recently made. I started fresh, with enthusiasm, of course. But the longer it took me to build it, I started to lose hope, pressure began to build up, things were getting harder than they were back when I started. I slowly lost interest in continuing the build. I had to postpone the release date from the original plane of 2 weeks after I posted the MiG-21 to about 3 weeks or maybe even a month. And I want to apologize for that. I also Observed that my build quality has been declining quite a bit lately, I'm not sure, maybe It's just me. But yea, I'm sad.

Again, I'm Sorry About All This

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    41.9k Ren


    3.8 years ago
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    9,529 Tookan

    Skills developing

    3.8 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    do mine fit in the decent category or am i f-cked

    3.8 years ago
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    man your shit is banger what do u mean worst builder your style of building is exactly what I love in a build, simplicity and beauty that is exactly what you convey in each and very one especially that recent mirage u made great work. And also what I'm trying to say is that don't let others expectations let you down fuck them for all I care do what u do and what makes u feel happy don't take shit from no one not any more. I BELIEVE IN YOU AND YOUR ABILITY AS A SIMPLE PLANES CREATOR ; )

    3.8 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    Just do what I do, slack off on building anything for months and then pop back in every now and then lol

    3.8 years ago
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    33.1k SyntheticL

    Just make what you want
    If you lost motivation just take a little rest

    3.8 years ago
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    Drama, just build a plone again

    3.8 years ago
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    38.2k V

    not sure why your saying your builds suck, all of them are much better than what i can dream of

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    Cap and a half
    Your builds are amazing

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    You are being too harsh on yourself. This is a game, nobody expects you to always make spectacular builds, no matter what rank you are at (and if someone does, ignore them, they are dumb). In fact, I recently helped a beginner builder to build a very simple ship, and guess what? I really enjoyed it. I'd recommend you to give it a try. It feels good to sometimes just build something beginner, something simple (the game's name is simpleplanes after all), and get away from all the high quality stuff.
    Don't get sweaty over release dates or build quality, you are not obligated to keep uploading every two weeks, and nobody forces you to do so. I haven't uploaded anything in months either.
    Just take it easy dude :)
    You are a great builder, and your builds are awesome, but you shouldn't push yourself to keep building new stuff if you don't feel like it. Take a break, building something simple, don't burn out. It's a game, it should be about having fun and enjoying it, don't turn it into a full time job. ;)
    Take care!

    +5 3.8 years ago
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    31.9k flame0w

    t..thx.. lol @iniMiiW

    3.8 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Hm ok @asteroidbook345

    3.8 years ago
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    19.8k RandomUser09

    I still see potential in you.

    3.8 years ago
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    3,292 Superstink

    Wdym???? i cant even do cockpit windows correctly

    3.8 years ago
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    9,529 Tookan

    You make them look decent do you're fine

    3.8 years ago
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    31.9k flame0w

    um uh, y...yeah... definitely... @iniMiiW

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    From what comments I’ve seen, he seems like a very decent guy, and there’s nothing wrong with a simple plane. It means most people can download them, but he also makes them very detailed and functional as well @asteroidbook345

    +2 3.8 years ago
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    @MinWiii In fact being BogdanX would be kind of sad. He doesn't really like anyone and just kind of builds decently good things with medium amounts of detail. Better to pour your heart and soul into a stupid project with a ridiculous amount of effort and detail than upload stuff that's somewhat simple to build (Bogdan has told me he likes making things simply) and that you didn't need to spend much time doing.

    3.8 years ago
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    @iniMiiW Those people who put the landing gear behind the horizontal stabilizers and call it realistic when it won't take off until it reaches 500mph (which it does in 1 second mind you)

    3.8 years ago
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    @Chancey21 lmao same

    3.8 years ago
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    Also literally nobody cares about rank, the people who do are dummy

    +2 3.8 years ago
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    And just so you know, I think you're a great builder :)

    3.8 years ago
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    Bruh you gain points by people upvoting your stuff. You don't just get them, people literally have give them to you. So if you think you're not worthy of a certain rank on the community because you're not good enough, well you're extremely wrong because the community literally gives you the rank, not you.
    Nobody has expectations that you must build something exquisite every single time. Only you do. It's all in your head!

    3.8 years ago
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    9,529 Tookan

    You're better than people who build crappy "replicas" of stuff and call them "realistic" even though they're extremely off parameters and nothing close to blueprints

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    You should see the 98% of stupid crap I waste my time on in SP
    ha ha let’s make the bomb 1000 times bigger

    +2 3.8 years ago
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