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Pre-dreadnought Challenge Winners

54.3k BMilan  3 months ago

Well, here we are, took me long enough but I finally evaluated the entries of the challenge, so here it is:

1st Place: SMS Braunschweig (1904) by LocalDealer

LocalDealer definitely dropped another masterpiece with this build. The hull
is insanely well built, the detail work is magnificent, the FT systems are brilliant and the ship just overall looks fantastic. The only cons I could find about te ship is the lack of railings and the fact that the bridge equipment can't be used.

2nd Place: Poltava/Petropavlovsk Class by MentallyDistorted

MentallyDistorted also entered the challenge with an banger. This replica is also highly detailed, with a beautiful tumblehome hull and a myriad of usable weaponry to blow stuff up. Some of the cons I found were the forgotten instructions, the small building mistakes like some of the tertiary cannons being stuck or some of the torpedoes having random activation groups.

3rd Place: HRJMS Jaeger by NavalGunnery

NavalGunnery entered with a magnificent fictional vessel. This build also features an awesome tumblehome hull along with great detail work. The weaponry definitely takes the cake, as expected from a user named "NavlaGunnery", the guns are simply brilliant. The only small issues I can mention is the slightly outdated/arcadey propulsion and steering systems and the hull not being the smoothest (especially at the bow bulge)

Honorable mention: KSS Westteich by Fineilldoitmyself

I chose this vessel as the honorable mention because it really stood out to me with its unique but authentic design. The build features some nice detailing and a nice tumblehome hull as well, with some great FT systems for the gunnery. My biggest issues would be the lack of smoothing on the hull and the very hardly usable steering.

Congratulations to the winners!

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    I got disqualified 😔

    2 months ago
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    22.4k KPLBall

    @BMilan oh

    2 months ago
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    54.3k BMilan

    @KPLBall That was already included as part of the dreadnought challenge

    2 months ago
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    22.4k KPLBall

    @BMilan ooh I would like to see a super dreadnought challenge :D

    2 months ago
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    22.4k KPLBall

    @BMilan ah ok

    2 months ago
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    54.3k BMilan

    @KPLBall Sorry, I'm not that much interested in light cruisers

    2 months ago
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    22.4k KPLBall

    @BMilan can you make a light cruiser challenge?

    2 months ago
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    1,640 Mk1Els

    🥳congrats to you all🥳

    +1 3 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    @BMilan Ah i see

    +1 3 months ago
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    5,475 NavalGunnery

    Yooo, surprised I got 3rd :D, glad to have participated in this challenge and also looking forward to future ones, I'll try my best to do better

    +1 3 months ago
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    54.3k BMilan

    @dekanii well, the trophies are actually all the same shape, roughly based on the Mikasa

    3 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    I love how you put time to make those trophies in the shape of their ships for them

    +1 3 months ago
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    Congratulations, people! Let's do this again next time.

    +1 3 months ago
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    13.2k LocalDealer

    Congrats guys!

    This was a fun challenge, so many good entries, hope to see more in the future!

    +1 3 months ago
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    54.3k BMilan


    +2 3 months ago
  • Profile image
    54.3k BMilan



    +4 3 months ago