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On New Players

2,593 TheHamburgerCorperation  9 months ago

I'm aware that there has been a trend of upvoting new players builds, however. I do not believe this is healthy in the long run, we should be spotlighting people that spend time perfecting there craft, or people who deserve it for there build quality.

I may not be the best at saying this in words but, I believe we should give those who spend time on work the spotlight, and give kind words to those who are new.

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    60.6k BMilan

    Short novel warning:
    I completely agree. I don't mean to sound like an elitist, but in my opinion, getting upvotes is something that should be earned and needed to work for, not getting it for granted just because one is a new player. Most users will not be encouraged to make better builds if any low effort build they make will recieve upvotes regardles of their quality (Of course, there are a few users, myself included, who do build for the sake of building and not for the sake of points, but recently it seems they are fewer and fewer, and there are more people who just do it for the points, and these mass upvotings aren't making the situation any better)
    And don't get me wrong, I'm all about supporting new players, but within reasonable limits. Does a new player show great talent and potential to be great builder? Support them! Does a player just upload low effort repaints, tutorial planes or any other stuff that can be thrown together in a few minutes? Then you probably shouldn't upvote/spotlight and instead, kindly let them know that they should practice their skills a bit more or maybe even point out where they could have improved their builds.

    That being said, everyone has the right to enjoy the game and use the website in whatever way they want it, as long as they don't violate any rules. But maybe, as a community we should be focusing on bringing out the best from everyone, rather than handing out participation awards. Again, that's just my opinion.

    Pinned 9 months ago
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    This is however, just an observation I've made on my own volition

    Pinned 9 months ago
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    @Nyamomin I can agree with that, I mainly use upvotes to show my interest in a build.

    9 months ago
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    I’m a simple man. When I see a plane with unique shape or a cool design or creative modeling I upvote it. It is completely based on my opinions and thoughts, I don’t care about the person’s rank or how long they’ve been on site. When I follow people or get tagged, I don’t just blindly upvote.
    Further, I sometimes like to look beyond the plane and look at the concept behind it. Idk how to describe it.

    +1 9 months ago
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    All these attempts to create another German corsair have ceased to be funny, why repeat the same joke several times.

    9 months ago
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    107k Kerbango

    That would be nice. But on the reverse side of the coin. Me.

    9 months ago
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    if you have ebola ------------👇 (i funging misaimed, didnt i?)

    +1 9 months ago
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    28.5k LM0418

    I’ve seen a rise in white-bronze ranks who are the rudest kids I’ve ever seen, they only are attracted to airliner crashes, and they beg for attention. This is only my opinion so…

    +2 9 months ago
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    I agree. Don't get me wrong, I believe it's great to support new players, but we have to remember the players who actually put effort in their work as was said.

    I personally look through the site sometimes to see if there are any underrated players, and give them an upvote and spotlight where I can. I've never seen the appeal of blindly upvoting any little thing just because I think it's "funny". We should be awarding effort as much as anything else.

    Anyway.. that's just my 2 cents.

    +3 9 months ago
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    do we want glorified hotdog or decently good builds

    +1 9 months ago
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    18.0k FlirBlitz

    it was funny the first time, now its just dumb

    +1 9 months ago