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Game keeps crashing, need help!

60.6k BMilan  4.7 years ago

Hello Everyone, I have a bit of a problem I need help with:
I tried playing SP today but it crashed before even loading up the menu screen. I tried again a few times but the result was the same. I tried restarting my computer as well as reinstalling the game but none of them solved the problem. The game worked perfectly well a week ago (I haven't opened it up since then) but I also just installed a new Nvidia geforce driver update today (before trying to start SP) and I suspect that having to do something with it, because I didn't do any other changes to my computer or to the game.
Did anyone else encounter a similar problem? Is there any solution to it?

Computer specs:
Intel i7-4720HQ
8GB Memory
Windows 8.1 OS

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    @BMilan thanks for the help just found out it had a motherboard failure lucky i had warranty lol.

    4.1 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @WhyAreYouReadingThis I rolled my Nvidia drivers back to an earlier version that I knew worked. You can search up drivers for your system >>here<<

    4.2 years ago
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    @BMilan im having the same problem with my gtx 1050 can you tell me how i can fix it?

    4.2 years ago
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    @BMilan That's great! Thanks for following up and letting us know what the issue was.

    4.6 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @AndrewGarrison Last update: I managed to roll back my drivers to an earlier version, now I can use the game with the dedicated graphics card again :D

    4.6 years ago
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    @BMilan I'm glad to hear you have found a workaround! I really wasn't sure what else to try. Hopefully, they will patch those drivers soon!

    4.7 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @AndrewGarrison Okay so, at this point it's clear that something is wrong with the nvidia graphics card so I just set the game to use my integrated one and suddenly it works again. I suspect that the latest driver update I installed causes the problem so I'm just gonna wait for the next update and hoping that that one will solve it, until then, I'll use the game with the integrated card.
    Thank you for trying to help :)

    4.7 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @AndrewGarrison Well I updated my graphics card drivers through Nvidia's Geforce exprience app and the whole problem only started after that. I tried reinstalling the driver updates now, as well as manually looking for the latest driver updates on nvidia's website and installing that but none of those solved the problem. As for reinstalling DirectX, I have no idea how to do that, I tried looking for it on the internet but nothing worked, every directx installer I found says that I have the latest version of DirectX and there's no need for installation.

    4.7 years ago
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    @BMilan You’re getting a lot of errors related to your graphics card or your possibly your DirectX install. You should first try updating your graphics card drivers and if that doesn’t work then you might need to reinstall DirectX.

    4.7 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @BogdanX @AndrewGarrison None of these worked :(
    But here's the link for the output log you asked for:

    4.7 years ago
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    The log file in the appdata is the one you would want:

    You could also try renaming your Settings.xml file in that same folder to Settings.xml.backup and see if that helps. The next step would be renaming the SimplePlanes folder at%UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo to SimplePlanes.Backup

    4.7 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @AndrewGarrison There's none (since the game can't even properly start up it probably doesn't create one) the only log file that is created is the one in the second link (that one isn't created in the game the Steam game library in theSimplePlanes_Data folder, but instead in AppData/LocalLow/Jundroo/Simpleplanes/)

    4.7 years ago
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    @BMilan Can I get a log file after it crashes when you have all mods removed?

    4.7 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @AndrewGarrison I also unsubscribed from all of the steam workshop mods

    4.7 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @AndrewGarrison I tried removing the mod folder completely (placing it outside of the game library) as well as doing a clean install but it didn't solve the problem

    4.7 years ago
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    I would recommend disabling all of your mods first to ensure they are not causing the game to crash. The easiest way to do that is to rename your mods folder temporarily. If that does fix the issue, then you can try copying mods back into the mods folder one at a time to indentify which is causing the game to crash.

    4.7 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    Here are links to my output logs maybe that helps:

    4.7 years ago