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Per Aspera Ad Astra II

10.4k ThomasRoderick  4.7 years ago


Some progress on the saucer. Any suggestions on the aesthetics?

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    @spefyjerbf Thanks.

    4.7 years ago
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    12.0k Hellosss38


    +1 4.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    No worries! I mean some minor details that add color or accentuate some features.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @Treadmill103 The thing is, the saucer is never meant to be alien... Yes it was inspired by them but under its lunar titanium hull lies a human heart. Halos would be useful for a true antigrav, I'm sure, but the thing is: this saucer is not. The three turbofans are the lifting engines that allowed it true VTOL flight. Granted, lights like that can be used for things like the main thruster and/or its exoatmospheric drives, but I think that's about it. Although... now I might make a "true" flying saucer based on this (or a similar) hull after its release that is set in a further out future built by a crazy inventor, and that will be a true antigtav.

    4.7 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf One quick question: I did't quite understand what you meant by "accents"... Do you mean coloring or detailing by that? I'm a complete noob when it comes to something like that so I have no idea.

    4.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @ThomasRoderick Ah, yeah. Then some accents would be pretty nice. I don’t have any specifics, though it seems like you have that down!

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf Thanks; what I'm trying to build is basically a mixture of 1950s / "tailfin era" automobile designs, a flying saucer, art deco aesthetics, and a Vol Noor...

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    Looks nice. Maybe add some minor accents to bring out the saucer shape.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @Treadmill103 @Spefyjerbf

    4.7 years ago