10.4k ThomasRoderick

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joined 7.9 years ago

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Current Status: Semi-Hiatus

Computer can't run FunkyTrees for reasons, currently limited to my android-based phonetato, so don't expect me to upload often. School also got pretty busy - but to hell if I don't give my all!

Archived auto-tracking turret codes:

SenSkysh's autocomplete table:

My personal "2D Turret Convergence Algorithm": designed as a complement to SenSkysh's system and further decrease performance cost. DOES NOT COMPENSATE FOR PITCH AND ROLL; INCOMPATIBLE WITH CANNONS.

Just a random young autistic adult male with a random account tinkering around random designs and making random builds.

In spite of my relative inexperience (not in my SP-age, but in actual time spent building anything) with planes and the like, I do tinker around my builds a lot whenever I find the time, and I'll often roleplay as various fictional weapon companies and polities in my builds. I also hold the notion of "functionality" and "immersion" sacrosanct: what use is a gun on a turret if you can't even aim it? Or if there's no gun in the first place, for that matter.
My builds may suck or at least lack detailing, but I'm sure as hell all my builds will perform whatever the functions they are supposed to - none of my designs are just for show.

My "Ten Commandments of SimplePlanes":

  1. Thou shalt not steal: If your build uses parts from someone else, give -bleep-ing credit.
  2. Thou shalt make thy designs functional: If your car can't drive or if your plane can't fly, -bleep- you.
  3. Thy design shall not damage itself in normal flight: the XML editor is your friend, use it. If your propeller shears itself off when you're adjusting engine angle or if your plane blows up when you're supposed to be activating your weapons bay, revise your -bleep-ing design.
  4. Thou shalt not commit f*kery: Every part should be where it is logically located, not hidden in the hull fifty feet away from where it's supposed to be.
  5. Thy design shall have logical internal structures: If the turbines are supposed to be there, the main weapons bay should not.
  6. Thou shalt make thy weapons functional: Weapons should always be functional and immersive to the setting when applicable. If the design is supposed to have a working gun there, put a -bleep-ing gun there.
  7. Thou shalt make thy turrets functional: If there's a turret, there should be working traverse and elevation controls. That means working manual controls, or properly coded auto-tracking turrets that can at least accurately hit targets when both your pitch and roll angles are zero.
  8. Thou shalt install sights for thy manual turrets: Turrets are supposed to be aimed, and if your design uses manual turrets, install a -bleep-ing gun sight. Given that cameras have built-in crosshairs following the recent updates, if you still refuse to install a gunsight for your turret, shame on you.
  9. Thou shalt explain the controls of thy design: If your plane has Activation Groups, uses VTOL slidebar, have gun/cannon-based thrusters, or if it makes nonstandard use of Pitch/Roll/Yaw/Throttle/Trim input, tell us.
  10. Thou shalt learn from others' designs: Learn how their designs are built, how their codes work, etc., and try to incorporate them into your next build.

My "Ten Oaths of SimplePlanes"

  1. I shall never steal: If I use parts or codes from someone else, I will make sure that I properly credit both the creator and specific design that the parts or codes came from. All subsequent designs featuring the parts and/or codes will also credit both the creator and design until I have perfect understanding of the aforementioned part/code and could replicate and/or modify the part/code without referencing the original.
  2. I shall make my designs functional: I will only release my designs as public after extensive testing to ensure that they could perform their intended function - if a plane drops like a throwing dart after increasing its wing sweep angle, something is definitely not working as intended.
  3. My designs shall never damage itself in normal flight: Every design of mine will be tested rigorously to make sure it would not damage itself; clipping would also be minimized unless the part(s) in question is meant to represent "empty space", such as a dark-colored and non-reflective part meant to represent internal volume of a fuselage section or a gun barrel.
  4. I shall never commit f*kery: Every part of mine will be where it's logically placed, not resized to kingdom come and hidden 50 feet away from where it's supposed to be. A wing is a wing and an engine is an engine - if it looks like there should be a wing somewhere on the design, a wing will be in that exact location with its shape matching the design as closely as possible.
  5. My designs shall have logical internal structures: If a section of the fuselage is reserved for the pilot then the landing gears will go somewhere else.
  6. I shall make my weapons functional: If there's a gun on my design in-universe, it will be represented with a gun or cannon with matching rate of fire, damage output, and muzzle velocity, plus caliber when applicable; if there's a missile on the design in-universe, it will be represented with a missile of corresponding type, plus the corresponding aesthetics if possible.
  7. I shall make my turrets functional: If there's a turret on my design in-universe, it will be capable of being aimed either automatically or manually with the corresponding weapons it carries (see oath No.6); auto-aiming turrets will be capable of tracking and hitting their intended targets beyond point-blank range.
  8. My manual turrets shall have gun sights: If I have to aim my turret manually, I will make sure that I can actually see where I'm shooting. If the turret is auto-tracking, a gunsight or at least an indicator light telling whether the turret is successfully tracking the target would be installed if large parts of the turret's field of fire lies beyond the pilot's field of view.
  9. I shall explain the controls of my design: If my plane uses activation groups, buttons, or the VTOL slidebar to perform any function, I will explain what they are; if the design had nonstandard uses of the standard controls (Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Trim, Throttle, and Landing Gears), I will also explain what those controls mean on this particular design.
  10. I shall learn from others: If I see others making a good design that my (admittedly rather underpowered) devices could run, I will try to replicate the design with my own effort; if I see others making a good FT code that's simplistic yet functional, I will try to understand what each part of the code does and how it all comes together, so that I could make similar codes for my own design.