Fire guns and watch the show. The blue lights will stay on as long as you don't overheat as the piston moves around showing how close you're from overheating, and when it overheats the red light will start blinking and a warning horn will sound.
Ever since I saw the SPE Corp Edgecrusher I started wondering if there's some better alternative to the heat sinks and heat gauges on that plane, and this is a two-minute prototype for an experimental heat sink/gauge derived from MintLynx's turret elevation mechanism on his Richelieu-class battleship.
@ThomasRoderick sure bro 😁
@ThomasRoderick im gonna try give you the equivalent number, cuz you dont upload that much :P
@Sadboye12 Thanks!
@ThomasRoderick Cool! The concept is pretty nice and works as intended too, its good!
Oh! yeah I like that. I think I designed the extra heat as a sort of nerf to the flak guns.
@UsualPiooneer Good! Machine guns, auto cannons, plasma repeaters.... as long as your weapon is a continuous-fire one with a boolean input you can use it. For cannons, just change the FireGuns to FireWeapons and you're all set.
@spefyjerbf The point is that you won't be adding to the heat gauge after you overheated. And it will start cooling from a set "max" right after you release the firing mechanism. And compared to those used on Edgecrusher's "Orbidyn CFC-MR" flak cannons, this thing is much more reliable and straightforward. The rotary cannon in this prototype is my prototype plasma CIWS derived from the Intercepias Prototype CIWS.
@MinyLynx Am I the only one on this 'site to turn turret elevation mechanisms into heat gauges?
Nice concept! I won’t be able to test it, but hopefully someone else will