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Why are joint rotators' connections so weak? And what's with the hinge rotators' rotational axis?

2,519 Aldriech  4.6 years ago

I'm sure most of you have encountered the wobble problem especially when making folding wings, bomb bays, etc. And when the load is too heavy or when you exert high G forces on your plane you see them wobble or move out of place. What is the reason for that and can it be fixed without changing the mass of it? And what's with the hinge rotators' rotational axis, when you rotate it on the Y axis for some reason the Z axis rotates in the Y axis as well and the only way to rotate it on the Z axis is through the X axis?? Not sure if I made any sense. Basically when the hinge is 90 degrees on its Y axis the Z axis also rotates on the Y axis and the X axis of it turns into the Z axis. Both Y and Z are rotating on the same axis... Why does that happen?

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    This happened to me quite a lot while i was making weaponized aircraft with variable geometry wings and moving pylons (i believe the F-111 Aardvark had something like that).

    4.5 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    it would be amazing to have the rotate action be controlled by world coordinates instead of the part's coordinates, that way you can trully rotate it freely. just like what you have in KSP or in more professional stuff like Autodesk Inventor or in Auodesk 3DS Max

    4.6 years ago
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    you broke them

    4.6 years ago
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    I really wish there was an option to make hinge rotators rigid...

    +8 4.6 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    1.Detachers,rotators,shocks,pistons seem to have some wobble always, it can be minimalized by increasing the insert neeeded part mass and decreasing it on the moved parts.
    I dont know how to change that without changing parts mass... It seems like gizmo parts (+ main wing part) attaches in some other way than normal fuselages.

    2.Welp, to turn left once you may need to turn right thrice
    Like, really, it is weird, but i got used to it

    4.6 years ago
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    Complex small suspension systems be the big cawobble

    4.6 years ago
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    If you multiselect the rotator your second issue doesnt occur, as for the first its really annoying along with the way wheels bend around the connection point..

    +7 4.6 years ago