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Per Aspera Ad Astra IV

10.4k ThomasRoderick  4.7 years ago


Another update on the Saucer
The ship have fully functional impulse drives with full orbital capabilities.
Link: Saucer Protoype

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    @spefyjerbf Yeah, for the old system will only go to full torque when you pull on the stick REALLY hard. I'll soon upload an update system with revised controls, systems, and hull shape. Also, just found out that cannons work fine in orbital velocities! Perhaps I'll make something like torpedoes (I personally call them "casters") then... Granted, bullets should still work as long as you set the gun to disableAircraftCollision = true...

    4.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    Around 200,000 feet of altitude and 4,000 mph. Might have been operator error though.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @DClass okay...

    4.7 years ago
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    12.0k Hellosss38


    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @CenturiVonKikie Err... one thing: for it to be controlled like that, the lift engine stabilization have to go (so the hover engines will be only good for hovering now)... on a second thought, this also meant more simplistic code, so would that be actually better?

    4.7 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf Which altitude and what speed? I mean, the codes for the Triassic Compensator (my bouquet of gyros) should not have problems whatsoever at high altitudes, although you do need to use a lot of input on the stick to reach full torque.

    4.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    Just tried it, and its excellent! The way that you generate torque is actually quite similar to a system that is in my next upload. However, you figured out how to apply torques at an angles besides the yaw axis, which I couldn't figure out how to do. I did notice that the gyro torques were quite small at extra-high altitudes (space). I'm not sure if that was designed or not, but I think the build could benefit from having larger torques in space.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @CenturiVonKikie Yeah on a second thought a few codes on the gyros might need to be revised...
    Also, the point about the Centauri Alpha is: in-game engines will not work a thousand miles above ground, but gyros do. I have working exoatmospheric engines (the "Spefy" impulse drives) to work with but not powerful RCS that would work regardless the drive is on or not, and that this plane is a VTOL so that the main engines can't stay on forever even in atmosphere, so for me a system that operates completely independent from engines is a better one.

    4.7 years ago
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    @Treadmill103 Glad you liked it! I'm thinking about making it a heavy starfighter / strike craft with internal cannon/missile pod(s). My original idea for this is basically a hybrid between a hovertank and an orbital dropship, but for this to be the case some maneuverability needs to go (the design is supposed to be mid-late 21st century instead of 25th century, so the rotating rates need to decrease a bit). What's your opinion?

    4.7 years ago
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    21.1k JessaLeih

    @ThomasRoderick it's pretty functional with respect to its design and proposal, but the controls are.... They feel like it needs WD-40, when I try to actuate two axes at once (pitch and roll) one of the axes overtakes the other, there's no blending, other than that it's looking good so far, keep it up!

    Also concerning the Centaurus Alpha, it's rendered obsolete by the exoatmospheric fighter that's not really exoatmospheric, since that just uses funky trees and thrust vectoring to maintain control instead of an inertial stabilizing coaxial disk the C Alpha is built on.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    How's the plane? And also, how are the gyros?

    4.7 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf @Yourcrush @Treadmill103
    Just updated the saucer; now it should fly even nicer.

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf Good luck on your work spefy! Best wishes, Tom.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @ThomasRoderick Good point - Orbitas had a low beam velocity. Also, thank you! You made my day right there. It’s been a wild 4 years, and I’m glad that you have joined me. I’m at work rn, but I’ll test ASAP. Probably later this evening (I’m on pacific time).

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf Not the shape; I'm pretty sure we've talked about the problem w/ RIDs and muzzle velocity - the higher the muzzle velocity, the lower chance for an RID, from my own experimentation. My basic approach can be summed up as "if RID still persists, add another zero after the muzzle velocity". The muzzle velocity on the Obitas is "only" 2E+4 for all drive units; the maximum speed for RID to not occur, as you've said, is around 12,000mph, or around 5364.48m/s (actually below orbital velocity), and the maximum speed for any meaningful flight control is 30,000mph, or around 13411.2m/s (around the escape velocity of the solar system), so I'm wondering if significant RIDs come from the plane/ship's velocities being a significant fraction of the propulsion beam? I'm not sure.
    Also, for nostalgia, YOU are my nostalgia for this site - I think I've already said a while ago that I bookmarked your page on my browser since before the feathered wings of Vira and Canis ever caressed the interstellar void, before the vortex cannons on the Genesis ever fired in anger, and before the Windspeaker ever loosed her first arrow; I was there watching in awe when the Avenger took his first flight, when the Swarmrunner first sliced through the air with its many fins, and when the Gaia freighter lumbered through the colonial sky for the first time in recorded history. I'm only here because of your many magnificent builds.
    *Needle Scratch* TL;DR: the reason why I often bring up old builds of yours is because I was there watching your every build since somewhere around May 2016. And part of the reason why I'm on this site is because I wanted to learn how to become as creative and imaginative as you.
    So, how's the plane? and more importantly, how are the gyros and the impulse drive?

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    21.1k JessaLeih

    @ThomasRoderick keep them both

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    Man, it’s been a long time since I heard that word. Nostalgia. In theory, yes - though in my experience it always was a little more random. Maybe my plane wasn’t shaped right though.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @Treadmill103 Another update! Feel free to try her out! Also, should I keep the engine flight controls or should I go full gyro?

    4.7 years ago
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    Remember the Centaurus Alpha?
    I think I sorta cracked the code for wingless flight by using gyros in a different way than they're supposed to.
    This saucer have no lifting surfaces. The fins are panels. The question is: should I keep the flight control codes for engines or should I go full gyro?

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @Yourcrush Thanks again... How's the plane?

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    The Impulse drive is around two years old, back when we discussed about the impulse drive of the old Orbitas. The muzzleVelocity is set to 3E+10, so normal orbital velocities should not cause RIDs (Random Impulse Distortions) to occur.
    Also, notice the gyros on the bow. Yes the ship is gyro-controlled but it is free on all three axis.

    4.7 years ago